
class IdOps[A](val self: A) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def ??(d: => A)(implicit ev: Null <:< A): A

Returns self if it is non-null, otherwise returns d.

Returns self if it is non-null, otherwise returns d.

def ?|>(p: A => Boolean, f: A => A): A

Applies self to the provided function if the predicate is satisfied, otherwise return self.

Applies self to the provided function if the predicate is satisfied, otherwise return self.

def applyIf(p: A => Boolean)(f: A => A): A

Applies self to the provided function if the predicate is satisfied, otherwise return self.

Applies self to the provided function if the predicate is satisfied, otherwise return self.

def doWhile(f: A => A, p: A => Boolean): A

Repeatedly apply f, seeded with self, checking after each iteration whether the predicate p holds.

Repeatedly apply f, seeded with self, checking after each iteration whether the predicate p holds.

def into[B](f: A => B): B

Alternative syntax for the Thrush combinator or a total match.

Alternative syntax for the Thrush combinator or a total match.

def matchOrZero[B : Monoid](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): B

the result of pf(value) if defined, otherwise the Zero element of type B.

def squared: (A, A)
def visit[F[_] : Applicative](p: PartialFunction[A, F[A]]): F[A]

If the provided partial function is defined for self run this, otherwise lift self into F with the provided scalaz.Applicative.

If the provided partial function is defined for self run this, otherwise lift self into F with the provided scalaz.Applicative.

def whileDo(f: A => A, p: A => Boolean): A

Repeatedly apply f, seeded with self, checking before each iteration whether the predicate p holds.

Repeatedly apply f, seeded with self, checking before each iteration whether the predicate p holds.

def |>[B](f: A => B): B

Applies self to the provided function. The Thrush combinator.

Applies self to the provided function. The Thrush combinator.

def [B](f: A => B): B

Applies self to the provided function. The Thrush combinator.

Applies self to the provided function. The Thrush combinator.

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("will be removed in 7.3", "7.2")
def <|(f: A => Any): A

Alias for unsafeTap.

Alias for unsafeTap.

@deprecated("will be removed in 7.3", "7.2")
def unsafeTap(f: A => Any): A

Applies self to the provide function for its side effect, and returns self. The Kestrel combinator. Mostly for use with dodgy libraries that give you values that need additional initialization or mutation before they're valid to use.

Applies self to the provide function for its side effect, and returns self. The Kestrel combinator. Mostly for use with dodgy libraries that give you values that need additional initialization or mutation before they're valid to use.

The name tap comes from the Ruby method: which allows you to "tap into" a method call chain, in order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain. unsafe because it enables side effects.

@deprecated("will be removed in 7.3", "7.2")
def (f: A => Any): A

Alias for unsafeTap.

Alias for unsafeTap.


Concrete fields

val self: A