Do Not Use 'toString'

A wide use of opaque types introduces a new unexpected problem: how to convert them to String. From JVM prospective opaques do not exist. Simple .toString() conversion will always be done for the base type.

For example, the following outputs are not very informative, as they represent Long.toString result:

    val t : Time        = CURRENT
    val tl: Time.Length = 12.Seconds

    println(t)      // Prints: 1603916378729
    println(tl)     // Prints: 12000000000

In Scalqa, instead of .toString() one has to always use method .tag, which is universally available for all types including opaques.

    println(t.tag)  // Prints: 2020-10-28 16:23:08.888
    println(tl.tag) // Prints: 12 secs

Furthermore, there is a universal method to print debugging information .tp (pronounced as 'tip'), which stands for 'tag print'. Same as .tag, .tp is also available for all types:           // Prints: 12 secs            // Prints: 2020-10-28 16:23:08.888

Note, .tp must not appear in production code, its presence indicates leftover debugging functionality.

Method .tp is also widely used in examples, so prepare to see a lot of it in this documentation.