
sealed abstract class DynamoValue extends Product with Serializable

A DynamoValue is a pure representation of an AttributeValue from the AWS SDK.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

final def as[A](implicit A: DynamoFormat[A]): Either[DynamoReadError, A]

Transforms into a value of type A for which there is a codec, if applies

Transforms into a value of type A for which there is a codec, if applies

final def asArray: Option[DynamoArray]

Produces the underlying array, if applies

Produces the underlying array, if applies

final def asBoolean: Option[Boolean]

Produces the underlying boolean, if applies

Produces the underlying boolean, if applies

final def asByteBuffer: Option[ByteBuffer]

Produces the underlying byte buffer, if applies

Produces the underlying byte buffer, if applies

final def asNull: Option[Unit]

Produces () is this object is null

Produces () is this object is null

final def asNumber: Option[String]

Produces the underlying number, if applies

Produces the underlying number, if applies

final def asObject: Option[DynamoObject]

Produces the underlying object, if applies

Produces the underlying object, if applies

final def asString: Option[String]

Produces the underlying string, if applies

Produces the underlying string, if applies

final def isArray: Boolean

Checks whether this object rerpresents an array

Checks whether this object rerpresents an array

final def isBoolean: Boolean

Checks whether this object represents a boolean

Checks whether this object represents a boolean

final def isByteBuffer: Boolean

Checks whether this object represents a byte buffer

Checks whether this object represents a byte buffer

final def isNull: Boolean

Checks whether this object represents the null object

Checks whether this object represents the null object

final def isNumber: Boolean

Checks whether this object represents a number

Checks whether this object represents a number

final def isObject: Boolean

Checks whether this object rerpresents a composite object

Checks whether this object rerpresents a composite object

final def isString: Boolean

Checks whether this object represents a string

Checks whether this object represents a string

final def orElse(that: DynamoValue): DynamoValue

Returns this value if it isn't null, the provided one otherwise (which may be null too), this allows expressions like: v1 orElse v2 orElse v3 ... or even vs.foldLeft(nil)(_ orElse _)

Returns this value if it isn't null, the provided one otherwise (which may be null too), this allows expressions like: v1 orElse v2 orElse v3 ... or even vs.foldLeft(nil)(_ orElse _)

def toAttributeValue: AttributeValue

Produces the AttributeValue isomorphic to this DynamoValue

Produces the AttributeValue isomorphic to this DynamoValue

Transforms into a new value if this one is an array

Transforms into a new value if this one is an array

final def withBoolean(f: Boolean => DynamoValue): DynamoValue

Transforms into a new value if this one is a boolean

Transforms into a new value if this one is a boolean

final def withByteBuffer(f: ByteBuffer => DynamoValue): DynamoValue

Transforms into a new value if this one is a byte buffer

Transforms into a new value if this one is a byte buffer

final def withNull(f: => DynamoValue): DynamoValue

Transforms into a new value if this one is null

Transforms into a new value if this one is null

final def withNumber(f: String => DynamoValue): DynamoValue

Transforms into a new value if this one is a number

Transforms into a new value if this one is a number

Transforms into a new value if this one is a map

Transforms into a new value if this one is a map

final def withString(f: String => DynamoValue): DynamoValue

Transforms into a new value if this one is a string

Transforms into a new value if this one is a string

Inherited methods

def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean
Inherited from:
def productArity: Int
Inherited from:
def productElement(n: Int): Any
Inherited from:
def productElementName(n: Int): String
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:
def productPrefix: String
Inherited from: