
class ScanamoSyncInterpreter(client: DynamoDbClient) extends FunctionK[ScanamoOpsA, Id]

Interpret Scanamo operations using blocking requests to DynamoDB with any transport errors or semantic errors within DynamoDB thrown as exceptions.

trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[A](op: ScanamoOpsA[A]): Id[A]

Applies this functor transformation from F to G

Applies this functor transformation from F to G

Inherited methods

def and[H[_]](h: FunctionK[ScanamoOpsA, H]): FunctionK[F, [_] =>> Tuple2K[G, H, _$9]]

Composes two instances of FunctionK into a new FunctionK that transforms one single functor to a of two functors.

Composes two instances of FunctionK into a new FunctionK that transforms one single functor to a of two functors.

scala> import cats.arrow.FunctionK
scala> val list2option = λ[FunctionK[List, Option]](_.headOption)
scala> val list2vector = λ[FunctionK[List, Vector]](_.toVector)
scala> val optionAndVector = list2option and list2vector
scala> optionAndVector(List(1,2,3))
res0:[Option,Vector,Int] = Tuple2K(Some(1),Vector(1, 2, 3))
Inherited from:
def andThen[H[_]](f: FunctionK[Id, H]): FunctionK[F, H]

Composes two instances of FunctionK into a new FunctionK with this transformation applied first.

Composes two instances of FunctionK into a new FunctionK with this transformation applied first.

Inherited from:
def compose[E[_]](f: FunctionK[E, ScanamoOpsA]): FunctionK[E, G]

Composes two instances of FunctionK into a new FunctionK with this transformation applied last.

Composes two instances of FunctionK into a new FunctionK with this transformation applied last.

Inherited from:

Narrows the input type of this FunctionK from F to F0

Narrows the input type of this FunctionK from F to F0

Inherited from:
def or[H[_]](h: FunctionK[H, Id]): FunctionK[[_] =>> EitherK[F, H, _$6], G]

Composes two instances of FunctionK into a new FunctionK that transforms a to a single functor.

Composes two instances of FunctionK into a new FunctionK that transforms a to a single functor.

This transformation will be used to transform left F values while h will be used to transform right H values.

Inherited from:
def widen[G0[x]]: FunctionK[F, G0]

Widens the output type of this FunctionK from G to G0

Widens the output type of this FunctionK from G to G0

Inherited from: