Class RowStatus<R extends MOTableRow>

  • Type Parameters:
    R - The row type of the rows managed by this RowStatus.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Comparable<MOColumn<org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32>>, EventListener, MOChangeListener, MOTableRowListener<R>

    public class RowStatus<R extends MOTableRow>
    extends MOMutableColumn<org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32>
    implements MOChangeListener, MOTableRowListener<R>
    The RowStatus class implements the columnar object TC RowStatus. The RowStatus textual convention is used to manage the creation and deletion of conceptual rows, and is used as the value of the SYNTAX clause for the status column of a conceptual row. See RFC 2579.

    The RowStatus column controls row creation and deletion in SNMP tables with READ-CREATE maximum access. Since the state of a dynamic row is/may be important to dependent rows / other objects of an agent, row status change events can be propagated to other objects through registering RowStatusListeners.

    Frank Fock
    • Constructor Detail

      • RowStatus

        public RowStatus​(int columnID)
        Creates a RowStatus column with the specified column sub-identifier and maximum access of 'read-create'.
        columnID - a column sub-identifier.
      • RowStatus

        public RowStatus​(int columnID,
                         MOAccess access)
        Creates a RowStatus column with the specified column sub-identifier.
        columnID - a column sub-identifier.
        access - the maximum access for the RowStatus column (should be READ-CREATE).
    • Method Detail

      • setTable

        public <R extends MOTableRow> void setTable​(MOTable<R,? extends MOColumn,? extends MOTableModel<R>> table)
        Sets the table instance this columnar object is contained in. This method should be called by MOTable instance to register the table with the RowStatus column. When called, this RowStatus registers itself as MOChangeListener and MOTableRowListener.
        setTable in class MOColumn<org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32>
        Type Parameters:
        R - the MOTableRow type supported by the table.
        table - the MOTable instance where this column is contained in.
      • isReady

        protected boolean isReady​(MOTableRow row,
                                  int rowStatusColumn)
      • isReady

        protected boolean isReady​(MOTableRow row,
                                  int rowStatusColumn,
                                  MOTableRow changeSet)
      • assignNewValue

        protected void assignNewValue​(SubRequest<?> subRequest,
                                      MOTableRow row,
                                      int column,
                                      int newValue)
      • beforePrepareMOChange

        public void beforePrepareMOChange​(MOChangeEvent changeEvent)
        Description copied from interface: MOChangeListener
        A ManagedObject change is being prepared. To cancel preparation set the deny reason to a SNMPv2/v3 error status.
        Specified by:
        beforePrepareMOChange in interface MOChangeListener
        changeEvent - the change event object.
      • beforeMOChange

        public void beforeMOChange​(MOChangeEvent changeEvent)
        Description copied from interface: MOChangeListener
        A ManagedObject change is being committed. To cancel the commit phase set the deny reason to a SNMPv2/v3 error status.

        NOTE: Canceling the commit phase must be avoided. Setting a deny reason has only an effect if DeniableEventObject.isDeniable() returns true. Otherwise, you will need to throw an exception.

        Specified by:
        beforeMOChange in interface MOChangeListener
        changeEvent - the change event object.
      • afterMOChange

        public void afterMOChange​(MOChangeEvent changeEvent)
        Description copied from interface: MOChangeListener
        A change has been committed. Setting the deny reason of the supplied event object will be ignored.
        Specified by:
        afterMOChange in interface MOChangeListener
        changeEvent - the change event object.
      • afterPrepareMOChange

        public void afterPrepareMOChange​(MOChangeEvent changeEvent)
        Description copied from interface: MOChangeListener
        A change has been prepared. Setting the deny reason of the supplied event object will be ignored.
        Specified by:
        afterPrepareMOChange in interface MOChangeListener
        changeEvent - the change event object.
      • removeRowStatusListener

        public void removeRowStatusListener​(RowStatusListener l)
      • fireRowStatusChanged

        protected void fireRowStatusChanged​(RowStatusEvent event)
      • isRowActive

        public static boolean isRowActive​(MOTableRow row,
                                          int rowStatusColumnIndex)
        Tests if the specified row is active.
        row - a row with a RowStatus column.
        rowStatusColumnIndex - the column index of the RowStatus column in row.
        true if row is active.
      • getRowStatus

        public static org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32 getRowStatus​(MOTableRow row,
                                                            MOTable<?,?,?> table)
        Gets the value of the RowStatus column (if it exists) in the specified row and table. It starts searching for the RowStatus column from the last column and then proceeds down to the first until it finds it. If no RowStatus column can be found, null is returned.
        row - a row with a RowStatus column (otherwise null is returned).
        table - the table of the given row.
        the Integer32 value of the RowStatus column in the given row or null if the table has no RowStatus column.
      • isVolatile

        public boolean isVolatile​(MOTableRow row,
                                  int column)
        Description copied from class: MOColumn
        Tests if the supplied row is volatile or persistent. If volatile then the row will not be saved when the table is saved to persistent storage.
        isVolatile in class MOColumn<org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32>
        row - a row of the table where this column is part of.
        column - the column index of this column in row.
        true if row should not be
      • get

        public void get​(SubRequest<?> subRequest,
                        MOTableRow row,
                        int column)
        Description copied from class: MOColumn
        Process a get sub-request for the specified table row and column.
        get in class MOColumn<org.snmp4j.smi.Integer32>
        subRequest - the GET sub-request to execute.
        row - the row that contains the value to return in the GET response PDU.
        column - the column index of the value to return in subRequest