Laws that must be obeyed by any Applicative
Laws that must be obeyed by any Apply
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.arrow.Arrow
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.arrow.Category
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.arrow.Choice
Laws that must be obeyed by any CoflatMap
Laws that must be obeyed by any Comonad
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.arrow.Compose
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.functor.Contravariant
Laws that must be obeyed by any FlatMap
Laws that must be obeyed by any Functor
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.functor.Invariant
Represents two values of the same type that are expected to be equal.
Laws that must be obeyed by any MonadCombine
Laws that must be obeyed by any MonadFilter
Laws that must be obeyed by any Monad
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.MonoidK
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.functor.Profunctor
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.SemigroupK
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.arrow.Split
Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.functor.Strong
Check for Java Serializability.