
See theConfig companion object
class Config


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def get(key: String)(using ctx: Context): Output[String]

This method differs in behavior from other Pulumi SDKs. In other SDKs, if you try to get a config key that is a secret, you will obtain it (due to you won't even get a warning). We choose to do the right thing here and not return the secret value as an unmarked plain string. For provider sdks we have the unsafeGet method should it be absolutely necessary in practice. We also return all configs as Outputs so that we can handle failure in pure, functional way.

This method differs in behavior from other Pulumi SDKs. In other SDKs, if you try to get a config key that is a secret, you will obtain it (due to you won't even get a warning). We choose to do the right thing here and not return the secret value as an unmarked plain string. For provider sdks we have the unsafeGet method should it be absolutely necessary in practice. We also return all configs as Outputs so that we can handle failure in pure, functional way.


def getInt(key: String)(using Context): Output[Int]

Concrete fields