

ResourceProvider is a service that understands how to create, read, update, or delete resources for types defined within a single package. It is driven by the overall planning engine in response to resource diffs.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

Attach sends the engine address to an already running plugin.

Attach sends the engine address to an already running plugin.


Call dynamically executes a method in the provider associated with a component resource.

Call dynamically executes a method in the provider associated with a component resource.


Cancel signals the provider to gracefully shut down and abort any ongoing resource operations. Operations aborted in this way will return an error (e.g., Update and Create will either return a creation error or an initialization error). Since Cancel is advisory and non-blocking, it is up to the host to decide how long to wait after Cancel is called before (e.g.) hard-closing any gRPC connection.

Cancel signals the provider to gracefully shut down and abort any ongoing resource operations. Operations aborted in this way will return an error (e.g., Update and Create will either return a creation error or an initialization error). Since Cancel is advisory and non-blocking, it is up to the host to decide how long to wait after Cancel is called before (e.g.) hard-closing any gRPC connection.


Check validates that the given property bag is valid for a resource of the given type and returns the inputs that should be passed to successive calls to Diff, Create, or Update for this resource. As a rule, the provider inputs returned by a call to Check should preserve the original representation of the properties as present in the program inputs. Though this rule is not required for correctness, violations thereof can negatively impact the end-user experience, as the provider inputs are using for detecting and rendering diffs.

Check validates that the given property bag is valid for a resource of the given type and returns the inputs that should be passed to successive calls to Diff, Create, or Update for this resource. As a rule, the provider inputs returned by a call to Check should preserve the original representation of the properties as present in the program inputs. Though this rule is not required for correctness, violations thereof can negatively impact the end-user experience, as the provider inputs are using for detecting and rendering diffs.


CheckConfig validates the configuration for this resource provider.

CheckConfig validates the configuration for this resource provider.


Configure configures the resource provider with "globals" that control its behavior.

Configure configures the resource provider with "globals" that control its behavior.


Construct creates a new instance of the provided component resource and returns its state.

Construct creates a new instance of the provided component resource and returns its state.


Create allocates a new instance of the provided resource and returns its unique ID afterwards. (The input ID must be blank.) If this call fails, the resource must not have been created (i.e., it is "transactional").

Create allocates a new instance of the provided resource and returns its unique ID afterwards. (The input ID must be blank.) If this call fails, the resource must not have been created (i.e., it is "transactional").


Delete tears down an existing resource with the given ID. If it fails, the resource is assumed to still exist.

Delete tears down an existing resource with the given ID. If it fails, the resource is assumed to still exist.


Diff checks what impacts a hypothetical update will have on the resource's properties.

Diff checks what impacts a hypothetical update will have on the resource's properties.


DiffConfig checks the impact a hypothetical change to this provider's configuration will have on the provider.

DiffConfig checks the impact a hypothetical change to this provider's configuration will have on the provider.


GetPluginInfo returns generic information about this plugin, like its version.

GetPluginInfo returns generic information about this plugin, like its version.


GetSchema fetches the schema for this resource provider.

GetSchema fetches the schema for this resource provider.


Invoke dynamically executes a built-in function in the provider.

Invoke dynamically executes a built-in function in the provider.


Read the current live state associated with a resource. Enough state must be include in the inputs to uniquely identify the resource; this is typically just the resource ID, but may also include some properties.

Read the current live state associated with a resource. Enough state must be include in the inputs to uniquely identify the resource; this is typically just the resource ID, but may also include some properties.


StreamInvoke dynamically executes a built-in function in the provider, which returns a stream of responses.

StreamInvoke dynamically executes a built-in function in the provider, which returns a stream of responses.


Update updates an existing resource with new values.

Update updates an existing resource with new values.


Concrete methods