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willNotCacheDrawing() - function in android.view.GifTextView
willNotCacheDrawing() - function in android.view.GifImageView
willNotCacheDrawing() - function in android.view.GifImageButton
willNotCacheDrawing() - function in android.view.GifTextureView
willNotDraw() - function in android.view.GifTextView
willNotDraw() - function in android.view.GifImageView
willNotDraw() - function in android.view.GifImageButton
willNotDraw() - function in android.view.GifTextureView
with(GifDrawable) - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifDrawableInit
Sets drawable to be reused when creating new one.
with(GifDrawable) - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifDrawableBuilder
Sets drawable to be reused when creating new one.
writeToParcel(Parcel,int) - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifAnimationMetaData
writeToParcel(Parcel,int) - function in android.os.GifAnimationMetaData
WRONG_RECORD - enum entry in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifError

Wrong record type detected.

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