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taskExecutor(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifDrawableInit
Sets or resets executor for rendering tasks.
taskExecutor(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifDrawableBuilder
Sets or resets executor for rendering tasks.
threadPoolSize(int) - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifDrawableInit
Sets thread pool size for rendering tasks.
threadPoolSize(int) - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifDrawableBuilder
Sets thread pool size for rendering tasks.
toString() - function in android.view.GifTextView
toString() - function in android.view.GifImageView
toString() - function in android.view.GifImageButton
toString() - function in java.lang.GifIOException
toString() - function in android.view.GifTextureView
toString() - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifDrawable
toString() - function in pl.droidsonroids.gif.GifAnimationMetaData
toString() - function in java.lang.annotation.Annotation
Transform - class in pl.droidsonroids.gif.transforms
Interface to support clients performing custom transformations before the current GIF Bitmap is drawn.
transformMatrixToGlobal(Matrix) - function in android.view.GifTextView
transformMatrixToGlobal(Matrix) - function in android.view.GifImageView
transformMatrixToGlobal(Matrix) - function in android.view.GifImageButton
transformMatrixToGlobal(Matrix) - function in android.view.GifTextureView
transformMatrixToLocal(Matrix) - function in android.view.GifTextView
transformMatrixToLocal(Matrix) - function in android.view.GifImageView
transformMatrixToLocal(Matrix) - function in android.view.GifImageButton
transformMatrixToLocal(Matrix) - function in android.view.GifTextureView
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