Interface DatatypeProperty

All Superinterfaces:
OResource, RDFProperty

public interface DatatypeProperty
extends RDFProperty

Interface for datatype properties. Datatype properties have as range values datatype values (different from object properties which have instances as values). Values are Java objects.

Niraj Aswani

Method Summary
 DataType getDataType()
          This method returns the DataType set for this property
 Set<OResource> getDomain()
          Returns the set of domain restrictions for this property.
 boolean isValidDataTypeValue(String value)
          Checks whether the provided datatype value is compatible with the DataType restrictions on the property.
 boolean isValidDomain(OInstance anInstance)
          Checks whether the provided instance is compatible with the domain restrictions on the property.
Methods inherited from interface gate.creole.ontology.RDFProperty
addSubProperty, getEquivalentPropertyAs, getOURI, getRange, getSubProperties, getSubProperties, getSuperProperties, getSuperProperties, isEquivalentPropertyAs, isFunctional, isInverseFunctional, isSubPropertyOf, isSubPropertyOf, isSuperPropertyOf, isSuperPropertyOf, isValidDomain, isValidRange, removeSubProperty, setEquivalentPropertyAs, setFunctional, setInverseFunctional
Methods inherited from interface gate.creole.ontology.OResource
addAnnotationPropertyValue, getAllSetProperties, getAnnotationPropertyValues, getComment, getComments, getLabel, getLabels, getName, getONodeID, getOntology, getPropertiesWithResourceAsDomain, getPropertiesWithResourceAsRange, getSetAnnotationProperties, getURI, hasAnnotationPropertyWithValue, removeAnnotationPropertyValue, removeAnnotationPropertyValues, setComment, setLabel, setURI

Method Detail


Set<OResource> getDomain()
Returns the set of domain restrictions for this property.

Specified by:
getDomain in interface RDFProperty


DataType getDataType()
This method returns the DataType set for this property


boolean isValidDataTypeValue(String value)
Checks whether the provided datatype value is compatible with the DataType restrictions on the property.

value - the Value
true if this datatype value is compatible with the DataType restrictions on the property. False otherwise.


boolean isValidDomain(OInstance anInstance)
Checks whether the provided instance is compatible with the domain restrictions on the property.

anInstance - the Instance
true if this instance is compatible with the domain restrictions on the property. False otherwise.