Package gate.creole.ontology

The GATE ontology API.


Interface Summary
AllValuesFromRestriction An AllValuesFromRestriction.
AnnotationProperty An Annotation property.
AnonymousClass This class represents the AnonymousClass.
CardinalityRestriction A CardinalityRestriction
DatatypeProperty Interface for datatype properties.
HasValueRestriction A HasValueRestriction.
LiteralOrONodeID A class representing something that is either a literal or a node ID.
MaxCardinalityRestriction A MaxCardinalityRestriction.
MinCardinalityRestriction A MinCardinalityRestriction.
ObjectProperty ObjectProperty is a sub type of the RDFProperty.
OBNodeID An object representing an ontology node ID.
OClass Each OClass (Ontology Class) represents a concept/class in ontology.
OConstants This interface holds some constants used by several other intrfaces and classes in the GATE ontology API.
OInstance OInstance (Ontology Instance) represents an instance in the ontology/knowledge base.
ONodeID An ONodeID represents the id of either a blank node or a resource.
Ontology Interface for ontology language resources.
OntologyBooleanQuery This represents a boolean query of the triple store for the ontology.
OntologyModificationListener Objects wishing to listen to various ontology events, must implement this interface (using implements java keyword) and the methods of this interface.
OntologyTripleStore An OntologyTripleStore object can be used to directly manipulate the triples that represent an ontology, if the ontology implementation supports this.
OntologyTripleStoreListener An OntologyTripleStoreListener is noticed whenever a triple is added to or removed from the ontology store.
OntologyTupleQuery This represents a tuple query of the triple store for the ontology.
OResource This is the top level interface for all ontology resources such as classes, instances and properties.
OURI Interface for objects representing an URI.
OValue A class representing something that is either a literal or a OResource.
RDFProperty RDFProperty is the top level property.
Restriction This interface defines a restriction in the ontology.
SomeValuesFromRestriction A SomeValuesFromRestriction.
SymmetricProperty Every SymmetricProperty is ObjectProperty.
TransitiveProperty Interface for transitive properties.
Triple A Triple represents an RDF Triple from the underlying triple store and consists of a subject, predicate and object.

Class Summary
DataType This class provides a list of datatypes, supported by the ontology API.
Literal The class Literal represents a literal value as defined in section 6.5 of .
OConstants.OWL All predefined URIs from the OWL1 namespace.
OConstants.RDF All predefined URIs from the RDF name space.
OConstants.RDFS All predefined URIs from the RDFS name space.
OntologyUtilities Deprecated. the use of this class and all its methods should be avoided in the future.
URI Deprecated. Use OURI objects and the Ontology factory methods for creating them instead.

Enum Summary
OConstants.Closure Closure constants.
OConstants.OntologyFormat A list of serialization formats for ontologies.

Exception Summary
GateOntologyException Exception used to signal an gate ontology exception within Gate.
InvalidURIException This exception is thrown when a URI is not valid.
InvalidValueException This exception should be thrown when a property value is not compatible with the property. e.g. boolean value for the integer datatype, invalid instance for an object property.

Package gate.creole.ontology Description

The GATE ontology API. This package contains all the interfaces, classes and constants for using an ontology language resource and the objects that can be added or retrieved from an ontology language resource.