Interface OntologyBooleanQuery

public interface OntologyBooleanQuery

This represents a boolean query of the triple store for the ontology. To create a boolean query object you must use the ontology's factory method Ontology.createBooleanQuery(String, gate.creole.ontology.OConstants.QueryLanguage).

NOTE: querying the ontology triple store directly should be avoided and only done in exceptional cases. Using the methods to query and access ontology entities should be preferred whenever possible!

Johann Petrak

Method Summary
 boolean evaluate()
          Evaluate the boolean query and return whether it evaluates to true or false;
 void setBinding(String varName, LiteralOrONodeID value)
          Re-assign a query variable to a new value.

Method Detail


void setBinding(String varName,
                LiteralOrONodeID value)
Re-assign a query variable to a new value. This will let you query the triple store with the same query but a different value for the variable. Depending on the implemenation, this might avoid the necessity to recompile the whole query.

varName - - the name of the variable to be reassigned
value - - a LiteralOrONodeID object representing either a literal or either an URI or a blank node identifier.


boolean evaluate()
Evaluate the boolean query and return whether it evaluates to true or false;

- a boolean representing the result of the boolean query