Package gate.creole

Interface Summary
ANNIEConstants This interface defines constants used by the ANNIE processing resources.
AnnotationVisualResource Visual Resources that display and/or edit annotations.
ConditionalController A Conditional controller is a controller that keeps a running strategy for each PR contained.
ControllerAwarePR This interface should be implemented by processing resources that need to know when any containing controller starts and ends its execution, for example to initialise internal data structures or to do some aggregate processing of data gathered from a whole corpus.
CustomDuplication Interface which should be implemented by any Resource type which cannot be duplicated in the standard way (see Factory.duplicate).
RunningStrategy Base interface for objects that are used to decide whether a PR member of a ConditionalController needs to be run.

Class Summary
AbstractLanguageAnalyser A parent implementation of language analysers with some default code.
AbstractLanguageResource A convenience implementation of LanguageResource with some default code.
AbstractProcessingResource A convenience implementation of ProcessingResource with some default code.
AbstractResource A convenience implementation of Resource with some default code.
AbstractVisualResource A convenience implementation of VisualResource with some default code.
AnalyserRunningStrategy A type running strategy that decides whether the associated PR needs to be run based on the value of a specified feature on the document that the PR needs to be run on.
ANNIETransducer The ANNIE named entity transducer.
AnnotationSchema This class handles annotation schemas.An annotation schema is a representation of an annotation, together with its types and their attributes, values and types.
BootStrap This class creates a resource (e.g.ProcessingResource, VisualResource or Language Resource) with the information from the user and generates a project in the directory provided by the user
ConditionalSerialAnalyserController This class implements a SerialController that only contains LanguageAnalysers.
ConditionalSerialController Execute a list of PRs serially.
CreoleAnnotationHandler Class to take a creole.xml file (as a JDOM tree) and add elements corresponding to the CREOLE annotations on the RESOURCE classes it declares.
CreoleRegisterImpl This class implements the CREOLE register interface.
CreoleXmlHandler This is a SAX handler for processing creole.xml files.
FeatureSchema This class describes a schema for a feature.
OntologyAwareTransducer Deprecated. Ontology related functionality is now implemented in the standard JAPE Transducer Transducer.
Parameter Models a resource parameter.
ParameterList Models resource parameters lists as described in their creole.xml metadata.
POSTagger This class is a wrapper for HepTag, Mark Hepple's POS tagger.
ProfilePRs This class provides a main function that: initialises the GATE library, and creates all PRs takes a directory name as argument for each .html file in that directory:
create a GATE document from the file
run the PRs on the document
dump some statistics in the end
RealtimeCorpusController A custom GATE controller that interrupts the execution over a document when a specified amount of time has elapsed.
ResourceData Models an individual CREOLE resource metadata, plus configuration data, plus the instantiations of the resource current within the system.
RunningStrategy.RunAlwaysStrategy Deprecated. use RunningStrategy.UnconditionalRunningStrategy instead.
RunningStrategy.UnconditionalRunningStrategy RunningStrateguy implementation that unconditionally either runs or doesn't run a given PR.
SerialAnalyserController This class implements a SerialController that only contains LanguageAnalysers.
SerialController Execute a list of PRs serially.
TestControllers Tests for controller classes
TestCreole CREOLE test class
TestCreoleAnnotationHandler Test for the CreoleAnnotationHandler, compares the XML produced by the annotation handler to an expected result.
TestPR Test the PRs on three documents
TestSplitterTagger Test code for the SentenceSplitter and the POS tagger.
TestXSchema Annotation schemas test class.
Transducer A cascaded multi-phase transducer using the Jape language which is a variant of the CPSL language.
VPChunker ANNIE VP Chunker module.

Exception Summary
ExecutionException Exception used to signal problems during the execution of GATE controllers and Processing Resources.
ExecutionInterruptedException Thrown by Executables after they have stopped their execution as a result of a call to their interrupt() method.
ParameterException This exception indicates failure to set a resource parameter.
ResourceInstantiationException This exception indicates failure during instantiation of resources, which may be due to a number of causes: the resource metadata contains parameters that aren't available on the resource; the class for the resource cannot be found (e.g. because a Jar URL was incorrectly specified); because access to the resource class is denied by the class loader; because of insufficient or incorrect resource metadata.