Package gate.gui

Interface Summary
ActionsPublisher This interface is used to mark resources that publish a list of actions that can be performed on them.
Handle Interface for classes used to store the information about an open resource.
ResizableVisualResource This interface denotes visual resources that can be resized.

Class Summary
AnnotationDiffGUI Compare annotations in two annotation sets in one or two documents.
AppearanceDialog Deprecated.  
BooleanRenderer A TableCellRenderer used for Booleans
BootStrapDialog This class is used to handle BootStrap wizard with the Gate GUI interface.
CollectionSelectionDialog This class visually selects some items from a collection and returns a collection with the items selected by the user.
CorpusEditor A simple viewer/editor for corpora.
CorpusFillerComponent A simple component that allows the user to select a directory and a list of permitted extensions for populating a corpus
CorpusQualityAssurance Quality assurance corpus view.
CorpusQualityAssurance.ToggleSelectionABModel Add a suffix A and B for the first and second selected item.
CreateIndexGUI Provides a gui for creating a IR index on a corpus.
FeatureMapEditorDialog A simple editor for List values.
GazetteerEditor Editor for ANNIE Gazetteer.
HelpFrame A frame used by Gate to display Help information.
ListEditorDialog A simple editor for Collection values.
LogArea This class is used to log all messages from GATE.
LogArea.UTF8PrintStream A print writer that uses UTF-8 to convert from char[] to byte[]
LogArea.UTF8PrintWriter A print writer that uses UTF-8 to convert from char[] to byte[]
LuceneDataStoreSearchGUI GUI allowing to write a query with a JAPE derived syntax for querying a Lucene Datastore and display the results with a stacked view of the annotations and their values.
MainFrame The main Gate GUI frame.
NameBearerHandle Class used to store the GUI information about an open entity (resource, controller, datastore).
OkCancelDialog A simple modal dialog that displays a component provided by the user along with two buttons ("OK" and "Cancel").
OptionsDialog The options dialog for Gate.
ParameterDisjunction Represents a list of Parameters which are alternative to each other.
ResourceParametersEditor Allows the editing of a set of parameters for a resource.
ResourceRenderer Renders a Resource for tables, trees and lists.
SearchPRViewer Shows the results of a IR query.
SingleConcatenatedFileInputDialog A simple component that allows the user to select a trec web file and encoding
Splash A splash screen.
SyntaxTreeViewer The SyntaxTreeViewer is capable of showing and editing utterances (fancy name for sentences) and the attached syntax trees.
TabHighlighter Highligts a tab in a JTabbedPane.
TextAttributesChooser A dialog used to set the attributes for text display.