Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConstraintPredicate

Uses of ConstraintPredicate in gate.creole

Classes in gate.creole that implement ConstraintPredicate
static class TestPR.TestConstraintPredicate

Uses of ConstraintPredicate in gate.jape

Fields in gate.jape declared as ConstraintPredicate
protected  ConstraintPredicate Constraint.ontLookupClassPred
          Predicate that acts on class feature, if one is set.

Methods in gate.jape that return types with arguments of type ConstraintPredicate
 List<ConstraintPredicate> Constraint.getAttributeSeq()
          Get the attributes that must be present on the matched annotation.

Methods in gate.jape with parameters of type ConstraintPredicate
 void Constraint.addAttribute(ConstraintPredicate attr)
          Add an attribute.

Method parameters in gate.jape with type arguments of type ConstraintPredicate
 void Constraint.addAttributes(Collection<ConstraintPredicate> attrs)
          Add all predicates from the given collection to this object.

Uses of ConstraintPredicate in gate.jape.constraint

Classes in gate.jape.constraint that implement ConstraintPredicate
 class AbstractConstraintPredicate
          Base class for most ConstraintPredicates.
 class AbstractRegExpPredicate
          Abstract regular expression based predicate implementation.
 class ComparablePredicate
          Base class for those predicates which use compareTo to compare values.
 class ComparablePredicateTest.ComparablePredicateImpl
 class ContainsPredicate
          Returns true if there is an annotation of the type set in value that is entirely spanned by the given annotation
 class EmbeddedConstraintPredicate
          Predicate whose AbstractConstraintPredicate.getValue() property may be set to a Constraint itself, allowing for recursive evaluations.
 class EqualPredicate
 class GreaterEqualPredicate
 class GreaterPredicate
 class LesserEqualPredicate
 class LesserPredicate
 class NotContainsPredicate
          Returns false if there is an annotation of the type set in value that is entirely spanned by the given annotation
 class NotEqualPredicate
 class NotRegExpFindPredicate
          Implementation of the =~ predicate, which fails if any part of the annotation value matches the given regular expression, and succeeds otherwise.
 class NotRegExpMatchPredicate
          Implementation of the !
 class NotWithinPredicate
          Returns false if the given annotation is entirely spanned by an annotation of the type set in value.
 class RegExpFindPredicate
          Implementation of the =~ predicate, which succeeds if any part of the annotation value matches the given regular expression, and fails otherwise.
 class RegExpMatchPredicate
          Implementation of the ==~ predicate, which succeeds if the entire annotation value matches the given regular expression, and fails otherwise.
 class WithinPredicate
          Returns true if the given annotation is entirely spanned by an annotation of the type set in value.

Fields in gate.jape.constraint with type parameters of type ConstraintPredicate
protected  Map<String,Class<? extends ConstraintPredicate>> ConstraintFactory.operatorImplMap

Methods in gate.jape.constraint that return ConstraintPredicate
 ConstraintPredicate ConstraintFactory.createPredicate(AnnotationAccessor accessor, Object value)
 ConstraintPredicate ConstraintFactory.createPredicate(String operator, AnnotationAccessor accessor, Object value)
 ConstraintPredicate ConstraintFactory.createPredicate(String name, Object value)
          Create a constraint predicate using the default equals predicate.

Method parameters in gate.jape.constraint with type arguments of type ConstraintPredicate
 void ConstraintFactory.addOperator(String operator, Class<? extends ConstraintPredicate> clazz)