Class JarFiles

  extended by gate.util.JarFiles

public class JarFiles
extends Object

This class is used to merge a set of Jar/Zip Files in a Jar File It is ignored the manifest.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void main(String[] args)
          args[0] is the final jar file and the other are the set of jar file names e.g. java gate.util.JarFiles libs.jar ..
 void merge(Set jarFileNames, String destinationJarName)
          This method takes the content of all jar/zip files from the set jarFileNames and put them in a file with the name outputFileName.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JarFiles()
Method Detail


public void merge(Set jarFileNames,
                  String destinationJarName)
           throws GateException
This method takes the content of all jar/zip files from the set jarFileNames and put them in a file with the name outputFileName. If the jar entry is manifest then this information isn't added.

jarFileNames - is a set of names of files (jar/zip)
destinationJarName - is the name of the file which contains all the classes of jarFilesNames


public static void main(String[] args)
args[0] is the final jar file and the other are the set of jar file names e.g. java gate.util.JarFiles libs.jar ../lib/*.jar ../lib/*.zip will create a file calls libs.jar which will contain all jar files and zip files