


object CallCommands

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CallCommands
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
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Type Members

  1. final case class Answer(config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Answer the call for a channel.This sets up duplex audio between the calling A leg and the FreeSwitch server.

    Answer the call for a channel.This sets up duplex audio between the calling A leg and the FreeSwitch server. It is not about other endpoints. The server might need to 'answer' a call to play an audio file or to receive DTMF from the call. Once answered, calls can still be bridged to other extensions. Because a bridge after an answer is actually a transfer, the ringback tones sent to the caller will be defined by transfer_ringback.


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  2. final case class AttXfer(destination: String, conferenceKey: Char, hangupKey: Char, cancelKey: Char, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    att_xfer <channel_url> Bridge a third party specified by channel_url onto the call, speak privately, then bridge original caller to target channel_url of att_xfer.

    att_xfer <channel_url> Bridge a third party specified by channel_url onto the call, speak privately, then bridge original caller to target channel_url of att_xfer.


    : String target channel_url of att_xfer


    : Char "attxfer_conf_key" - can be used to initiate a three way transfer (deafault '0')


    : Char "attxfer_hangup_key" - can be used to hangup the call after user wants to end his or her call (deafault '*')


    : Char "attxfer_cancel_key" - can be used to cancel a tranfer just like origination_cancel_key, but straight from the att_xfer code (deafault '#')


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  3. final case class AuthCommand(password: String) extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class Break(config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable
  5. final case class Bridge(targets: List[String], dialType: DialType, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    To dial multiple contacts all at once: <action application="bridge" data="sofia/internal/[email protected],sofia/sip/[email protected]"/> To dial multiple contacts one at a time: <action application="bridge" data="sofia/internal/[email protected]|sofia/sip/[email protected]"/>

    To dial multiple contacts all at once: <action application="bridge" data="sofia/internal/[email protected],sofia/sip/[email protected]"/> To dial multiple contacts one at a time: <action application="bridge" data="sofia/internal/[email protected]|sofia/sip/[email protected]"/>


    :List[String] list of an external SIP address or termination provider


    : DialType To dial multiple contacts all at once then separate targets by comma(,) or To dial multiple contacts one at a time then separate targets by pipe(|)



  6. final case class CommandAsString(command: String, eventUuid: String) extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable

    Freeswitch command as raw command that present as string

    Freeswitch command as raw command that present as string


    : String

  7. final case class DeleteFilter(events: Map[EventName, String], config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable

    filter delete Specify the events which you want to revoke the filter.

    filter delete Specify the events which you want to revoke the filter. filter delete can be used when some filters are applied wrongly or when there is no use of the filter. Usage: filter delete <EventHeader> <ValueToFilter>


    :Map[EventName, String] mapping of events and their value



  8. final case class DeleteUUIdFilter(uuid: String, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable

    filterUUId delete Specify channel UUId to revoke the filter.

    filterUUId delete Specify channel UUId to revoke the filter. filter delete can be used when some filters are applied wrongly or when there is no use of the filter. Usage: filter delete <Unique-ID> <uuid>


    : Channel uuid to filter out



  9. final case class Exit(config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable

    Close the socket connection.

    Close the socket connection.


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  10. final case class Filter(events: Map[EventName, String], config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable

    Specify event types to listen for.

    Specify event types to listen for. Note, this is not a filter out but rather a "filter in," that is, when a filter is applied only the filtered values are received. Multiple filters on a socket connection are allowed. Usage: filter <EventHeader> <ValueToFilter>


    : Map[EventName, String] mapping of events and their value


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  11. final case class FilterUUId(uuid: String, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable

    Specify events of specific channel UUId to listen for.

    Specify events of specific channel UUId to listen for. Note, this is not a filter out but rather a "filter in," that is, when a filter is applied only the filtered values are received. Multiple filters on a socket connection are allowed. Usage: filter <Unique-ID> <uuid>


    : Channel uuid to filter in


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  12. final case class Hangup(cause: Option[HangupCause], config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Hangs up a channel, with an optional cause code supplied.

    Hangs up a channel, with an optional cause code supplied. <action application="hangup" data="USER_BUSY"/>


    : HangupCause


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  13. final case class Intercept(uuid: String, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Allows one channel to bridge itself to the a or b leg of another call.

    Allows one channel to bridge itself to the a or b leg of another call. The remaining leg of the original call gets hungup Usage: intercept [-bleg] <uuid>


    : String



  14. final case class Log(logLevel: String, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable

    Enable log output.

    Enable log output. Levels same as the console.conf values


    : String


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  15. final case class None(config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable
  16. final case class Park(config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Places a channel "on hold" in the switch, instead of in the phone.

    Places a channel "on hold" in the switch, instead of in the phone. Allows for a number of different options, including: Set caller in a place where the channel won't be hungup on, while waiting for someone to talk to. Generic "hold" mechanism, where you transfer a caller to it. Please note that to retrieve a call that has been "parked", you'll have to bridge to them or transfer the call to a valid location. Also, remember that parking a call does NOT supply music on hold or any other media. Park is quite literally a way to put a call in limbo until you you bridge/uuid_bridge or transfer/uuid_transfer it. Note that the park application takes no arguments, so the data attribute can be omitted in the definition.


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  17. final case class Phrase(variableName: String, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Speak a phrase of text using a predefined phrase macro

    Speak a phrase of text using a predefined phrase macro


    : String variable name


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  18. final case class PlayFile(filePath: String, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Plays a sound file on the current channel.

    Plays a sound file on the current channel.


    : String file path that you want to play


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  19. final case class PreAnswer(config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    pre_answer establishes media (early media) but does not answer.

    pre_answer establishes media (early media) but does not answer.


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  20. final case class Read(params: ReadParameters, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Read DTMF (touch-tone) digits.

    Read DTMF (touch-tone) digits. Usage read <min> <max> <sound file> <variable name> <timeout> <terminators> min = Minimum number of digits to fetch. max = Maximum number of digits to fetch. sound file = Sound file to play before digits are fetched. variable name = Channel variable that digits should be placed in. timeout = Number of milliseconds to wait on each digit terminators = Digits used to end input if less than <min> digits have been pressed. (Typically '#')


    : ReadParameters


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  21. final case class Record(filePath: String, timeLimitSecs: Duration, silenceThresh: Duration, silenceHits: Option[Duration], config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Record to a file from the channel's input media stream Record is used to record voice messages, such as in a voicemail system.

    Record to a file from the channel's input media stream Record is used to record voice messages, such as in a voicemail system. This application will record to a file specified by <path>. After recording stops the record app sets the following read-only variables:

    record_ms — duration of most recently recorded file in milliseconds record_samples — number of recorded samples playback_terminator_used — TouchTone digit used to terminate recording


    : String An application will record to a file specified by file path.


    : Duration it is the maximum duration of the recording in seconds


    : Duration it is an energy level below which is considered silence.


    : Duration it is how many seconds of audio below silence_thresh will be tolerated before the recording stops. When omitted, the default value is 3 seconds



  22. final case class RecordSession(filePathWithFormat: String, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Records an entire phone call or session.

    Records an entire phone call or session. Multiple media bugs can be placed on the same channel.


    : String file format like gsm,mp3,wav, ogg, etc


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  23. final case class SendDtmf(dtmfDigits: String, toneDuration: Option[Duration], config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Send DTMF digits from the session using the method(s) configured on the endpoint in use If no duration is specified the default DTMF length of 2000ms will be used.

    Send DTMF digits from the session using the method(s) configured on the endpoint in use If no duration is specified the default DTMF length of 2000ms will be used.


    : String DTMF digits


    : Option[Duration]


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  24. final case class SetVar(varName: String, varValue: String, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Set a channel variable for the channel calling the application.

    Set a channel variable for the channel calling the application. Usage set <channel_variable>=<value>


    : String variable name


    : String variable value


    : ApplicationCommandConfig



  25. final case class Sleep(numberOfMillis: Duration, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Pause the channel for a given number of milliseconds, consuming the audio for that period of time.

    Pause the channel for a given number of milliseconds, consuming the audio for that period of time. Calling sleep also will consume any outstanding RTP on the operating system's input queue, which can be very useful in situations where audio becomes backlogged. To consume DTMFs, use the sleep_eat_digits variable. Usage: <action application="sleep" data=<milliseconds>/>

  26. final case class StopRecordSession(filePath: String, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Stop record session.

    Stop record session. Usage: <action application="stop_record_session" data="path"/>


    : String file name


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

  27. final case class SubscribeEvents(events: List[EventName]) extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable

    The event command are used to subscribe on events from FreeSWITCH event plain ALL event plain CHANNEL_CREATE CHANNEL_DESTROY CUSTOM conference::maintenance sofia::register sofia::expire event xml ALL event json CHANNEL_ANSWER

    The event command are used to subscribe on events from FreeSWITCH event plain ALL event plain CHANNEL_CREATE CHANNEL_DESTROY CUSTOM conference::maintenance sofia::register sofia::expire event xml ALL event json CHANNEL_ANSWER


    : List[EventName]

  28. final case class SubscribeMyEvents(uuid: String) extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable

    The 'myevents' subscription allows your inbound socket connection to behave like an outbound socket connect.

    The 'myevents' subscription allows your inbound socket connection to behave like an outbound socket connect. It will "lock on" to the events for a particular uuid and will ignore all other events myevents plain <uuid> myevents json <uuid> myevents xml <uuid> Once the socket connection has locked on to the events for this particular uuid it will NEVER see any events that are not related to the channel, even if subsequent event commands are sent


    : String

  29. final case class TransferTo(extension: String, config: ApplicationCommandConfig) extends FSExecuteApp with Product with Serializable

    Immediately transfer the calling channel to a new context.

    Immediately transfer the calling channel to a new context. If there happens to be an xml extension named <destination_number> then control is "warped" directly to that extension. Otherwise it goes through the entire context checking for a match.


    : String extension name


    : ApplicationCommandConfig

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. val LINE_TERMINATOR: String
  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  7. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  8. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  9. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  10. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  11. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  12. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  13. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  14. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  15. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  16. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  17. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  18. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  19. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  20. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  21. object ConnectCommand extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable
  22. object LingerCommand extends FSCommand with Product with Serializable

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] ) @Deprecated @deprecated

    (Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
