


package domain

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ActionEvent extends AnyRef
  2. case class ActionEventResult(actionCompleted: Boolean, event: Option[ActionEvent]) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class ApiResponse(basicMessage: BasicMessage) extends FSMessage with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class ApplicationCommandConfig(channelUuid: String = "", eventLock: Boolean = false, loops: Int = 1, async: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable


    The uuid of the channel to execute the application command on, not required in outbound mode if you want to effect the outbound channel


    Force application to complete before next command is parsed


    Number of times to invoke the command, default 1


    Set the execution mode to async, has no effect in Outbound async mode

  5. case class BasicMessage(headers: Map[String, String], body: Option[String]) extends FSMessage with Product with Serializable
  6. case class BufferChanged(buffer: String) extends FSEvent with Product with Serializable
  7. case class Call(uuid: String, ref: ActorRef, fromCli: String, toCli: String) extends WorkItem with Product with Serializable


    The uuid of the call


    The ActorRef of the actor managing the underlying communication with a media and signalling server


    The cli of the person calling


    The cli of the destination - Used for matching services

  8. case class CallUUIdCreated(callUUId: String) extends FSEvent with Product with Serializable
  9. case class CommandReply(basicMessage: BasicMessage) extends FSMessage with Product with Serializable
  10. final case class CommandRequest(command: FSCommand, queueOfferResult: Future[QueueOfferResult]) extends Product with Serializable
  11. case class ConnectFSActor(fsActor: ActorRef) extends FSBridgeCommand with Product with Serializable
  12. sealed trait DialType extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class Dummy(uuid: String) extends WorkItem with Product with Serializable
  14. case class EndCall() extends FSBridgeCommand with Product with Serializable
  15. case class EventMessage(basicMessage: BasicMessage) extends FSMessage with Product with Serializable
  16. trait FSBridgeCommand extends AnyRef
  17. sealed trait FSCommand extends AnyRef
  18. sealed trait FSEvent extends AnyRef
  19. sealed trait FSExecuteApp extends FSCommand
  20. trait FSMessage extends FSBridgeCommand
  21. trait FSMessageType extends AnyRef
  22. case class FlowActorRegistered(flow: ActorRef) extends FSEvent with Product with Serializable
  23. case class ForwardCommand(cmd: FSCommand) extends FSBridgeCommand with Product with Serializable
  24. case class IgnoreUnknownCommand(cmd: Any) extends FSBridgeCommand with Product with Serializable
  25. case class IgnoringTheMessage(message: FSMessage) extends FSEvent with Product with Serializable
  26. case class InterfaceRegistered(actorRef: ActorRef) extends FSEvent with Product with Serializable
  27. case class MessageListChanged(messages: List[FSMessage]) extends FSEvent with Product with Serializable
  28. case class ProcessFSData(data: ByteString) extends FSBridgeCommand with Product with Serializable
  29. final case class ReadParameters(min: Int, max: Int, soundFile: String, variableName: String, timeout: Duration, terminators: List[Char]) extends Product with Serializable


    Minimum number of digits to fetch.


    Maximum number of digits to fetch.


    Sound file to play before digits are fetched.


    Channel variable that digits should be placed in.


    Number of milliseconds to wait on each digit


    Digits used to end input if less than <min> digits have been pressed. (Typically '#')

  30. trait WorkItem extends AnyRef

    Shared trait for all things that can be passed through a service

Value Members

  1. object AllAtOnce extends DialType with Product with Serializable

    To dial multiple contacts all at once then separate targets by comma(,)

  2. object AnswerStates
  3. object CallCommands
  4. object CallCompletedSuccessfully extends FSEvent with Product with Serializable
  5. object CanNotFinishCall extends FSEvent with Product with Serializable
  6. object ChannelStates
  7. object CommandEvent extends FSMessageType with Product with Serializable
  8. object CommandResponse extends FSMessageType with Product with Serializable
  9. object ContentTypes
  10. object DTMF extends FSMessageType with Product with Serializable
  11. object EventNames
  12. object EventsUpdated extends FSEvent with Product with Serializable
  13. object HangupCauses
  14. object HeaderNames
  15. object MessageSentToInterface extends FSEvent with Product with Serializable
  16. object OneAtATime extends DialType with Product with Serializable

    To dial multiple contacts one at a time then separate targets by pipe(|)

  17. object Unknown extends FSMessageType with Product with Serializable
