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AbstractClassInfoStrategy - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Default abstract implementation of a ClassInfoStrategy
AbstractClassInfoStrategy() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
AbstractConstructorComparator - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
It provides a comparator to sort the constructor to choose first.
AbstractConstructorComparator() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.AbstractConstructorComparator
AbstractExternalFactory - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Adapter pattern for boilerplate code when creating an external factory
AbstractExternalFactory() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractExternalFactory
AbstractMapArguments - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Parent for map-related arguments POJO
AbstractMapArguments() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
AbstractMethodComparator - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
It provides a comparator to sort the constructor to choose first.
AbstractMethodComparator() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.AbstractMethodComparator
AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Default abstract implementation of a DataProviderStrategy
AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Implementation of the Singleton pattern
AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy(int) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
AbstractTypeManufacturer<T> - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Parent of all type manufacturer.
AbstractTypeManufacturer() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.AbstractTypeManufacturer
addExcludedAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Adds the specified Annotation to set of excluded annotations, if it is not already present.
addExcludedField(Class<?>, String) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Adds the specified field to set of excluded fields, if it is not already present.
addExtraMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
It adds an extra method to execute
addOrReplaceAttributeStrategy(Class<? extends Annotation>, AttributeStrategy<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Bind an annotation to attribute strategy class.
addOrReplaceAttributeStrategy(Class<? extends Annotation>, AttributeStrategy<?>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Bind an annotation to attribute strategy class.
addOrReplaceFactory(Class<T>, Class<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Binds an interface/abstract class to its factory.
addOrReplaceFactory(Class<T>, Class<?>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Binds an interface/abstract class to its factory.
addOrReplaceSpecific(Class<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Bind an interface/abstract class to a specific implementation.
addOrReplaceSpecific(Class<T>, Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Bind an interface/abstract class to a specific implementation.
addOrReplaceTypeManufacturer(Class<? extends T>, TypeManufacturer<T>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Registers @TypeManufacturer implementation, which will be used to instantiate objects of a specified type.
addOrReplaceTypeManufacturer(Class<? extends T>, TypeManufacturer<T>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Registers @TypeManufacturer implementation, which will be used to instantiate objects of a specified type.
annotations - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
The annotations for the attribute.
approve(ClassAttribute) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Override this method to select or reject class attributes
approve(ClassAttribute) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttributeApprover
Override this method to select or reject class attributes
ArrayTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default array type manufacturer.
ArrayTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.ArrayTypeManufacturerImpl
attrGenericArgs - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
The attribute type generic arguments
attribute - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
The field belonging to this class
attributeAnnotations - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
The attribute annotations
attributeGenericType - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
The attribute generic type
AttributeMetadata - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Contains metadata about the attribute for which a value is being assigned.
AttributeMetadata(Class<?>, Type, Type[], Class<?>, Object) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
Constructor for method parameters metadata
AttributeMetadata(String, Class<?>, Type, Type[], List<Annotation>, Class<?>, Object) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
Full constructor.
attributeName - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
The name of map attribute in enclosing POJO
attributeName - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
The attribute name
attributeStrategies - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Mapping between annotations and attribute strategies
AttributeStrategy<T> - Interface in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Generic contract for attribute-level data provider strategies.
attributeType - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
The attribute type
attributeType - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.BeanValidationStrategy
expected return type of an attribute


BeanValidationStrategy - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
This strategy fills attributes and parameters annotated with Java bean validation annotations
BeanValidationStrategy(Class<?>) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.BeanValidationStrategy
Constructor for the strategy
BooleanTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default boolean type manufacturer.
BooleanTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.BooleanTypeManufacturerImpl
boolValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamBooleanValue
The value to assign to the annotated attribute.
ByteTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default byte type manufacturer.
ByteTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.ByteTypeManufacturerImpl


cacheMemoizedObject(AttributeMetadata, Object) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Saves object in memoization cache
cacheMemoizedObject(AttributeMetadata, Object) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Saves object in memoization cache
CharTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default character type manufacturer.
CharTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.CharTypeManufacturerImpl
charValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamCharValue
A precise char value to assign to the annotated attribute.
ClassAttribute - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
This class wraps fields, getters and setters information of the same attribute
ClassAttribute(String, Field, Set<Method>, Set<Method>) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
Full constructor
ClassAttributeApprover - Interface in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
An interface, which is used to customize selection of class' attributes for further filling or skipping.
classAttributes - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfo
The Set of fields belonging to this class
ClassInfo - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
This class wraps fields and setters information about a given class
ClassInfo(Class<?>, Collection<ClassAttribute>) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfo
Partial constructor.
ClassInfo(Class<?>, Collection<ClassAttribute>, Collection<Method>) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfo
Full constructor.
classInfoStrategy - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
The strategy to use to introspect data.
ClassInfoStrategy - Interface in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
This interface defines the contact for PODAM class info introspection.
className - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfo
The Class name whose info are stored in this class
clearMemoizationCache() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Clears memoization cache
clearMemoizationCache() - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Clears memoization cache
collectionElementStrategy() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamCollection
The strategy that will populate the annotated attribute.
CollectionTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default collection type manufacturer.
CollectionTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.CollectionTypeManufacturerImpl
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamByteValue
It allows clients to make comments.
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamCharValue
It allows clients to make comments
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamCollection
It allows clients to specify a comment on this annotation
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamConstructor
Gives users the possibility to leave comments
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamDoubleValue
It allows clients to make comments
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamExclude
Gives users the possibility to leave comments
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamFloatValue
It allows clients to make comments
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamIntValue
It allows clients to make comments
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamLongValue
It allows clients to make comments
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamShortValue
It allows clients to make comments on the annotated attribute.
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamStrategyValue
It allows clients to write a comment on the usage of this annotation
comment() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamStringValue
It allows clients to specify a comment on this annotation
compare(Constructor<?>, Constructor<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ConstructorHeavyFirstComparator
compare(Constructor<?>, Constructor<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ConstructorLightFirstComparator
compare(Method, Method) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.MethodHeavyFirstComparator
compare(Method, Method) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.MethodLightFirstComparator
compareAnnotations(Constructor<?>, Constructor<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.AbstractConstructorComparator
compareAnnotations(Method, Method) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.AbstractMethodComparator
constructorComplexity(Constructor<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.AbstractConstructorComparator
constructorHeavyComparator - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
The constructor comparator
ConstructorHeavyFirstComparator - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
It provides a comparator to sort the constructor to choose first.
ConstructorHeavyFirstComparator() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ConstructorHeavyFirstComparator
constructorLightComparator - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
The constructor comparator
ConstructorLightFirstComparator - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
It provides a comparator to sort the constructor to choose first.
ConstructorLightFirstComparator() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ConstructorLightFirstComparator
constructorOrdering - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ManufacturingContext
Constructors sorting order
containsAnyAnnotation(Field, Set<Class<? extends Annotation>>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Checks if the given field has any one of the annotations
containsAnyAnnotation(Method, Set<Class<? extends Annotation>>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Checks if the given method has any one of the annotations


DataProviderStrategy - Interface in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
This interface defines the contact for PODAM data providers.
DataProviderStrategy.Order - Enum in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Specifies how to sort constructors
decimalToReturnType(BigDecimal) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.BeanValidationStrategy
Converts intermediate decimal value to the actual attribute type, for example, string representation of this decimal
DEFAULT_NBR_COLLECTION_ELEMENTS - Static variable in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamConstants
The default number of elements for a collection-type element.
DefaultClassInfoStrategy - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Singleton implementation of a AbstractClassInfoStrategy
DefaultClassInfoStrategy() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DefaultClassInfoStrategy
Implementation of the Singleton pattern
doManufacturePojo(Class<T>, ManufacturingContext, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Manufactures and populates the pojo class
DoubleTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default double type manufacturer.
DoubleTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.DoubleTypeManufacturerImpl


elementClass - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
The type of the Map element.
elementGenericTypeArgs - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
The generic type arguments for the current element generic class instance.
elementStrategy - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapKeyOrElementsArguments
The strategy to use to fill the Map key or value element.
EnumTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default Enum type manufacturer.
EnumTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.EnumTypeManufacturerImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
equals(Object) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfo
excludedAnnotations - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Set of annotations, which mark fields to be skipped from populating.
excludedFields - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Set of fields, which mark fields to be skipped from populating.
externalFactory - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
External factory to delegate production this factory cannot handle
extractFieldNameFromMethod(String, Pattern) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Given a accessor's name, it extracts the field name, according to JavaBean standards
extraMethods - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Set of extra methods to execute.
extraMethods - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfo


factoryTypes - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
A list of user-submitted factories to build interfaces and abstract classes
fillArray(Object, String, Class<?>, Type, List<Annotation>, ManufacturingContext, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It fills an Array with the required number of elements of the required type.
fillCollection(ManufacturingContext, List<Annotation>, String, Collection<? super Object>, Class<?>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It fills a collection with the required number of elements of the required type.
fillMap(MapArguments, ManufacturingContext) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It fills a Map with the required number of elements of the required type.
fillTypeArgMap(Map<String, Type>, Class<?>, Type[]) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeManufacturerUtil
Fills type agruments map
findAttributeStrategy(DataProviderStrategy, List<Annotation>, Class<?>) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeManufacturerUtil
It returns a AttributeStrategy if one was specified in annotations, or null otherwise.
findCollectionSize(DataProviderStrategy, List<Annotation>, Class<?>, Holder<AttributeStrategy<?>>, Holder<AttributeStrategy<?>>) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeManufacturerUtil
Searches for annotation with information about collection/map size and filling strategies
findElementOfType(Collection<?>, Class<R>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.AbstractTypeManufacturer
findInheretedCollectionElementType(Collection<Object>, ManufacturingContext, AtomicReference<Type[]>, Map<String, Type>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Tries to find collection element type from collection object
findInheretedMapElementType(Map<Object, Object>, ManufacturingContext, Map<String, Type>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Finds key and element type arguments
findPojoAttributes(Class<?>, Map<String, ClassAttribute>, Set<Class<? extends Annotation>>, Set<String>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Given a class and a set of class declared fields it returns a map of setters, getters and fields defined for this class
findSuitableConstructors(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeManufacturerUtil
Finds suitable static constructors for POJO instantiation
findTypeFromList(List<?>, Class<T>) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.BeanValidationStrategy
Utility to find an item of a desired type in the given list
FloatTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default float type manufacturer.
FloatTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.FloatTypeManufacturerImpl


genericTypeArgs - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapKeyOrElementsArguments
The generic type arguments for the current generic class instance.
getAnnotations() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
getAttrGenericArgs() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
getAttribute() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
It returns the attribute
getAttributeAnnotations() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
getAttributeAnnotations(Field, Method...) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
Given the attribute and setter it combines annotations from them or an empty collection if no custom annotations were found
getAttributeGenericType() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
getAttributeName() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
getAttributeName() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
getAttributeType() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
getBoolean(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.BooleanTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a boolean/Boolean value.
getByte(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.ByteTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a byte/Byte value.
getByteInRange(byte, byte, AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.ByteTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a byte/Byte within min and max value (included).
getCharacter(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.CharTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a char/Character value.
getCharacterInRange(char, char, AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.CharTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a char/Character value between min and max value (included).
getClassAttributeApprover(Class<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
getClassAttributeApprover(Class<?>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfoStrategy
getClassAttributes() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfo
getClassInfo(Class<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
getClassInfo(Class<?>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfoStrategy
getClassInfo(Class<?>, Set<Class<? extends Annotation>>, Set<String>, ClassAttributeApprover, Collection<Method>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
It returns a ClassInfo object for the given class
getClassName() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfo
It returns the class name.
getClassStrategy() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractExternalFactory
getClassStrategy() - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactory
It returns the class info strategy for this factory.
getClassStrategy() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It returns the class info strategy for this factory.
getConstructorHeavyComparator() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Getter for constructor heavy comparator.
getConstructorHeavyComparator() - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Getter for constructor heavy comparator.
getConstructorLightComparator() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Getter for constructor light comparator.
getConstructorLightComparator() - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Getter for constructor light comparator.
getConstructorOrdering() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ManufacturingContext
Getter for constructor ordering
getDouble() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.AbstractTypeManufacturer
It returns a double value in an interval (0, 1.0)
getDouble(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.DoubleTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a double/Double value
getDoubleInRange(double, double) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
It returns a double/Double value between min and max value (included).
getDoubleInRange(double, double, AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.DoubleTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a double/Double value between min and max value (included).
getElementClass() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
getElementGenericTypeArgs() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
getElementStrategy() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapKeyOrElementsArguments
getExcludedAnnotations() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Identifies Annotations for fields to be skipped.
getExcludedAnnotations() - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfoStrategy
Identifies Annotations for fields to be skipped.
getExcludedFields(Class<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Identifies fields to be skipped.
getExcludedFields(Class<?>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfoStrategy
Identifies fields to be skipped.
getExternalFactory() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractExternalFactory
getExternalFactory() - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactory
It returns the external factory assigned to this factory.
getExternalFactory() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It returns the external factory assigned to this factory.
getExtraMethods(Class<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
getExtraMethods(Class<?>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfoStrategy
It returns the collection of extra methods to execute.
getFactoryClass(Class<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Resolves factory classes for abstract classes and interfaces.
getFactoryClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Resolves factory classes for abstract classes and interfaces.
getField(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
It returns a Field matching the attribute name or null if a field was not found.
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
It returns an value for a Field matching the attribute name or null if a field was not found.
getFieldValueWithGetter(Object, String) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
It returns an value from getter for a Field matching the attribute name or null if a field was not found.
getFloat(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.FloatTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a float/Float value.
getFloatInRange(float, float, AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.FloatTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a float/Float value between min and max value (included).
getGenericTypeArgs() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapKeyOrElementsArguments
getGetterPattern() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Defines a regular expression for a getter's name
getGetters() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
It returns the attribute getters
getInstance() - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DefaultClassInfoStrategy
Implementation of the Singleton pattern
getInstance() - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.NullExternalFactory
Instantiation method
getInteger(int) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.AbstractTypeManufacturer
It returns a int/Integer value in an interval (0, bound).
getInteger(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.IntTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns an int/Integer value.
getIntegerInRange(int, int) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
It returns a random int/Integer value between min and max value (included).
getIntegerInRange(int, int, AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.IntTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns an int/Integer value between min and max value (included).
getKeyGenericTypeArgs() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
getKeyOrValueType() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
getLong(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.LongTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a long/Long value.
getLongInRange(long, long) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
It returns a long/Long value between min and max value (included).
getLongInRange(long, long, AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.LongTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a long/Long value between min and max value (included).
getMapKeyOrElementValue(MapKeyOrElementsArguments, ManufacturingContext) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It fills a Map key or value with the appropriate value, considering attribute-level customisation.
getMapToBeFilled() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
getMaxDepth(Class<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Returns how many times it is allowed to PODAM to create an instance of the same class in a recursive hierarchy
getMaxDepth(Class<?>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Returns how many times it is allowed to PODAM to create an instance of the same class in a recursive hierarchy
getMemoizedObject(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Obtains object from memoization cache
getMemoizedObject(AttributeMetadata) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Obtains object from memoization cache
getMethodHeavyComparator() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Getter for method heavy comparator.
getMethodHeavyComparator() - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Getter for method heavy comparator.
getMethodLightComparator() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Getter for method light comparator.
getMethodLightComparator() - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Getter for method light comparator.
getName() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
It returns the attribute's name
getNiceCharacter() - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
Generates random character from set valid for identifiers in Java language
getNumberOfCollectionElements(Class<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Returns the number of default collection elements.
getNumberOfCollectionElements(Class<?>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Returns the number of default collection elements.
getParameterValuesForConstructor(Constructor<?>, Class<?>, ManufacturingContext, Map<String, Type>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Given a constructor it manufactures and returns the parameter values required to invoke it
getParameterValuesForMethod(Method, Class<?>, ManufacturingContext, Map<String, Type>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Given a method it manufactures and returns the parameter values required to invoke it
getPojoClass() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
getPojoInstance() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
getPojos() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ManufacturingContext
Getter for map with production counts of objects per type
getRawGetters() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
getRawSetters() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
getSetterPattern() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Defines a regular expression for a setters name
getSetters() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
It returns the attribute setters
getShort(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.ShortTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a short/Short value.
getShortInRange(short, short, AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.ShortTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a short/Short value between min and max value (included).
getSpecificClass(Class<T>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Resolves abstract classes and interfaces.
getSpecificClass(Class<T>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Resolves abstract classes and interfaces.
getStrategy() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractExternalFactory
getStrategy() - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactory
It returns the strategy for this factory.
getStrategy() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It returns the strategy for this factory.
getStrategyForAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Finds attribute strategies for annotations.
getStrategyForAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Finds attribute strategies for annotations.
getStringOfLength(int, AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.StringTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a String of length characters.
getStringValue(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.StringTypeManufacturerImpl
It returns a string value
GETTER_PATTERN - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
getters - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
The Set of getters for this attribute in the class
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.ArrayTypeManufacturerImpl
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.BooleanTypeManufacturerImpl
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.ByteTypeManufacturerImpl
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.CharTypeManufacturerImpl
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.CollectionTypeManufacturerImpl
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.DoubleTypeManufacturerImpl
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.EnumTypeManufacturerImpl
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.FloatTypeManufacturerImpl
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.IntTypeManufacturerImpl
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.LongTypeManufacturerImpl
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.MapTypeManufacturerImpl
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.ShortTypeManufacturerImpl
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.StringTypeManufacturerImpl
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeManufacturer
Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
getType(DataProviderStrategy, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeTypeManufacturerImpl
getTypeValue(AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>, Class<T>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Obtains a type value
getTypeValue(AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>, Class<T>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Obtains a type value
getValue() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.Holder
Getter for holder's value
getValue(Class<?>, List<Annotation>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ObjectStrategy
It returns a value of the given type
getValue(Class<?>, List<Annotation>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.common.AttributeStrategy
It returns a value of the given type
getValue(Class<?>, List<Annotation>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.BeanValidationStrategy
It returns a Calendar objects complying with Java bean validation annotations.
getValueForAbstractType(Class<T>, AttributeMetadata, ManufacturingContext, Map<String, Type>, Type[]) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Returns a value for an abstract type or interface if possible.
getValueInRange(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.BeanValidationStrategy
Produces random decimal value within specified range


hashCode() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
hashCode() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfo
HEAVY_FIRST - uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy.Order
Constructors with more parameters have precedence
Holder<T> - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Object to pass objects by reference
Holder() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.Holder
Default constructor
Holder(T) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.Holder
Default constructor


INSTANCE - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ConstructorHeavyFirstComparator
INSTANCE - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ConstructorLightFirstComparator
INSTANCE - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.MethodHeavyFirstComparator
INSTANCE - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.MethodLightFirstComparator
instantiatePojo(Class<T>, ManufacturingContext, Map<String, Type>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It creates and returns an instance of the given class if at least one of its constructors has been annotated with PodamConstructor
instantiatePojoWithFactory(Class<?>, Class<T>, ManufacturingContext, Map<String, Type>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It attempts to create an instance of the given class with a static method of the factory
IntTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default int type manufacturer.
IntTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.IntTypeManufacturerImpl
isMemoizationEnabled - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Flag to enable/disable the memoization setting.
isMemoizationEnabled() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Returns whether the memoization setting is enabled.
isMemoizationEnabled() - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Returns whether the memoization setting is enabled.


keyGenericTypeArgs - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
The generic type arguments for the current key generic class instance.
keyOrValueType - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
The type of the Map key.


length() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamStringValue
The length of the String for the annotated attribute.
LIGHT_FIRST - uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy.Order
Constructors with less parameters have precedence
log(AttributeMetadata) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
LOG - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
The application logger.
LOG - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Application logger
LOG - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.NullExternalFactory
Application logger
LOG - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Application logger
LOG - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
The application logger.
LOG - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.BeanValidationStrategy
LOG - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeManufacturerUtil
The application logger
LongTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default long type manufacturer.
LongTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.LongTypeManufacturerImpl


manufactureAttributeValue(Object, ManufacturingContext, Class<?>, Type, List<Annotation>, String, Map<String, Type>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It manufactures and returns the value for a POJO attribute.
manufactureParameterValue(Class<?>, String, Class<?>, Type, List<Annotation>, Map<String, Type>, ManufacturingContext, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Manufactures and returns the parameter value for method required to invoke it
manufacturePojo(Class<T>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.NullExternalFactory
Generic method which returns an instance of the given class filled with dummy values, using the default data provider strategy.
manufacturePojo(Class<T>, Type...) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactory
Generic method which returns an instance of the given class filled with dummy values, using the default data provider strategy.
manufacturePojo(Class<T>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Generic method which returns an instance of the given class filled with dummy values, using the default data provider strategy.
manufacturePojoInternal(Class<T>, AttributeMetadata, ManufacturingContext, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Generic method which returns an instance of the given class filled with values dictated by the strategy
manufacturePojoWithFullData(Class<T>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractExternalFactory
manufacturePojoWithFullData(Class<T>, Type...) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactory
Generic method which returns an instance of the given class filled with dummy values, using the default data provider strategy.
manufacturePojoWithFullData(Class<T>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Generic method which returns an instance of the given class filled with dummy values, using the default data provider strategy.
ManufacturingContext - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Object to hold manufacturing related data
ManufacturingContext() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ManufacturingContext
MAP_CREATION_EXCEPTION_STR - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
MapArguments - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Pojo which contains the arguments required to fill a Map as a POJO attribute
MapArguments() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
mapElementStrategy() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamCollection
The strategy that will populate a map element on an attribute of type Map.
MapKeyOrElementsArguments - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Contains attributes for the arguments to pass to the factory method to fill map key or elements.
MapKeyOrElementsArguments() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapKeyOrElementsArguments
mapKeyStrategy() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamCollection
The strategy that will populate a map key on an attribute of type Map.
mapToBeFilled - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
The Map to be returned.
MapTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default map type manufacturer.
MapTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.MapTypeManufacturerImpl
maxDepth - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
How many times it is allowed to PODAM to create an instance of the same class in a recursive hierarchy
maxValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamByteValue
The minimum value for the annotated field.
maxValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamCharValue
The minimum value for the annotated field
maxValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamDoubleValue
The minimum value for the annotated field
maxValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamFloatValue
The minimum value for the annotated field
maxValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamIntValue
The minimum value for the annotated field
maxValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamLongValue
The minimum value for the annotated field
maxValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamShortValue
The maximum value for the annotated field.
memoizationTable - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
A map to keep one object for each class.
mergeActualAndSuppliedGenericTypes(Class<?>, Type, Type[], Map<String, Type>) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeManufacturerUtil
Utility to merge actual types with supplied array of generic type substitutions
methodComplexity(Method) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.AbstractMethodComparator
methodHeavyComparator - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
The constructor comparator
MethodHeavyFirstComparator - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
It provides a comparator to sort the constructor to choose first.
MethodHeavyFirstComparator() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.MethodHeavyFirstComparator
methodLightComparator - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
The constructor comparator
MethodLightFirstComparator - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
It provides a comparator to sort the constructor to choose first.
MethodLightFirstComparator() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.MethodLightFirstComparator
minValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamByteValue
The minimum value for the annotated field.
minValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamCharValue
The minimum value for the annotated field
minValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamDoubleValue
The minimum value for the annotated field
minValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamFloatValue
The minimum value for the annotated field
minValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamIntValue
The minimum value for the annotated field
minValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamLongValue
The minimum value for the annotated field
minValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamShortValue
The minimum value to assign to the annotated attribute.


name - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
The attribute's name
nbrElements() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamCollection
The number of elements to create for the collection
nbrOfCollectionElements - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
The number of collection elements.
NICE_ASCII_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
An array of valid String characters
NO_ARGS - Static variable in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamConstants
An empty object array.
NO_CLASSES - Static variable in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamConstants
An empty array of Classes.
NO_TYPES - Static variable in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamConstants
An empty array of Types.
NULL_TYPE_ARGS_MAP - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Empty type map
NullExternalFactory - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Default implementation of an external factory which does nothing.
NullExternalFactory() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.NullExternalFactory
Implementation of the Singleton pattern
numValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamByteValue
A precise value for the annotated attribute.
numValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamDoubleValue
It returns the precise value to be assigned to the annotated attribute.
numValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamFloatValue
It returns the precise value to be assigned to the annotated attribute.
numValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamIntValue
It returns the precise value to be assigned to the annotated attribute.
numValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamLongValue
It returns the precise value to be assigned to the annotated attribute.
numValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamShortValue
It returns the precise value to be assigned to the annotated attribute.


ObjectStrategy - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
A default Object strategy, just to provide a default to PodamCollection.collectionElementStrategy().
ObjectStrategy() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ObjectStrategy
Order() - Constructor for enum uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy.Order


PodamAnnotation - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation to mark PODAM annotations.
PodamBooleanValue - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation used to customise a boolean value on the annotated field
PodamByteValue - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation used to customise min and max values of a byte type attribute or constructor parameter.
PodamCharValue - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation used to customise min and max values of a char type attribute or constructor parameter.
PodamCollection - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation used to customise collection-type elements
PodamConstants - Interface in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
PODAM constants.
PodamConstructor - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
It identifies a constructor to use in order to create an instance of a class.
PodamDoubleValue - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation used to customise min and max values on a double type attribute or constructor parameter.
PodamExclude - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation which will have PODAM to skip the annotated attribute from consideration.
PodamFactory - Interface in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Contract for PODAM factory
PodamFactoryImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
The PODAM factory implementation
PodamFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Default constructor.
PodamFactoryImpl(DataProviderStrategy) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Constructor with non-default strategy
PodamFactoryImpl(PodamFactory) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Constructor with non-default external factory
PodamFactoryImpl(PodamFactory, DataProviderStrategy) - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Full constructor.
PodamFloatValue - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation used to customise min and max values on a float type attribute or constructor parameter.
PodamIntValue - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation used to customise min and max values on an integer type attribute or constructor parameter.
PodamLongValue - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation used to customise min and max values on a long type attribute or constructor parameter.
PodamMockeryException - Exception in uk.co.jemos.podam.exceptions
The exception which occurs while PODAM is filling a POJO.
PodamMockeryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception uk.co.jemos.podam.exceptions.PodamMockeryException
Full constructor
PodamShortValue - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation used to customise min and max values of a short type attribute or constructor parameter.
PodamStrategyValue - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation to drive the value of the annotated attribute.
PodamStringValue - Annotation Type in uk.co.jemos.podam.common
Annotation used to customise string type attributes or constructor parameter.
PodamUtils - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
PODAM Utilities class.
PodamUtils() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
pojoClass - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
Type of class that owns the attribute
pojoInstance - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
POJO that owns the attribute
pojos - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ManufacturingContext
Map with production counts of objects per type, required for loop detection
populatePojo(T, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.NullExternalFactory
populatePojo(T, Type...) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactory
Generic method which populates an instance of the given class with dummy values, using the default data provider strategy.
populatePojo(T, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Generic method which populates an instance of the given class with dummy values, using the default data provider strategy.
populatePojoInternal(T, List<Annotation>, ManufacturingContext, Map<String, Type>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Fills given class filled with values dictated by the strategy
populateReadOnlyField(T, ClassAttribute, Map<String, Type>, ManufacturingContext, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Fills a field with a getter
populateReadWriteField(T, ClassAttribute, Map<String, Type>, ManufacturingContext) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Fills a field with a setter
primitiveToBoxedType(Class<?>) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
Finds boxed type for a primitive type


RandomDataProviderStrategy - Interface in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Adds additional methods for a random data provider strategy.
RandomDataProviderStrategyImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.api
Default implementation of a DataProviderStrategy
RandomDataProviderStrategyImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategyImpl
Implementation of the Singleton pattern
removeAttributeStrategy(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Remove binding of an annotation to attribute strategy
removeAttributeStrategy(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Remove binding of an annotation to attribute strategy
removeExcludedAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Removes the specified Annotation from set of excluded annotations.
removeExcludedField(Class<?>, String) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
Removes the field name from set of excluded fields.
removeFactory(Class<T>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Remove binding of an interface/abstract class to its factory
removeFactory(Class<T>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Remove binding of an interface/abstract class to its factory
removeSpecific(Class<T>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Remove binding of an interface/abstract class to a specific implementation
removeSpecific(Class<T>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Remove binding of an interface/abstract class to a specific implementation
removeTypeManufacturer(Class<T>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Remove binding of a class type to a specific implementation of type manufacturer
removeTypeManufacturer(Class<T>) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Remove binding of a class type to a specific implementation of type manufacturer
resolveArrayElementValue(Object, ManufacturingContext, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It returns an Array with the first element set
resolveCollectionValueWhenCollectionIsPojoAttribute(Object, ManufacturingContext, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It returns a collection of some sort with some data in it.
resolveGenericParameter(Type, Map<String, Type>, AtomicReference<Type[]>) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeManufacturerUtil
It resolves generic parameter type
resolveMapValueWhenMapIsPojoAttribute(Object, ManufacturingContext, AttributeMetadata, Map<String, Type>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
It manufactures and returns a Map with at least one element in it
RESOLVING_COLLECTION_EXCEPTION_STR - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
resortToExternalFactory(ManufacturingContext, String, Class<T>, Type...) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Delegates POJO manufacturing to an external factory
returnAttributeDataStrategyValue(Class<?>, List<Annotation>, AttributeStrategy<?>) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeManufacturerUtil
It retrieves the value for the PodamStrategyValue annotation with which the attribute was annotated


selectLatestMethod(Set<Method>) - Static method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamUtils
Searches among set of a class'es methods and selects the one defined in the most specific descend of the hierarchy tree
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassInfo
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapKeyOrElementsArguments
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception uk.co.jemos.podam.exceptions.PodamMockeryException
setAttribute(Field) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
It sets the attribute
setAttributeName(String) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
setClassStrategy(ClassInfoStrategy) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractExternalFactory
setClassStrategy(ClassInfoStrategy) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactory
Sets the class info strategy for this factory
setClassStrategy(ClassInfoStrategy) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Sets the class info strategy for this factory
setConstructorHeavyComparator(AbstractConstructorComparator) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Setter for constructor heavy comparator.
setConstructorHeavyComparator(AbstractConstructorComparator) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Setter for constructor heavy comparator.
setConstructorLightComparator(AbstractConstructorComparator) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Setter for constructor öight comparator.
setConstructorLightComparator(AbstractConstructorComparator) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Setter for constructor öight comparator.
setConstructorOrdering(DataProviderStrategy.Order) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.ManufacturingContext
Setter for constructor ordering
setDefaultNumberOfCollectionElements(int) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Sets the new default number of default collection elements.
setDefaultNumberOfCollectionElements(int) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Sets the new default number of default collection elements.
setElementClass(Class<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
setElementGenericTypeArgs(Type[]) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
setElementStrategy(AttributeStrategy<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapKeyOrElementsArguments
setExternalFactory(PodamFactory) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractExternalFactory
setExternalFactory(PodamFactory) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactory
Sets an external factory for this factory to delegate requests it cannot process
setExternalFactory(PodamFactory) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Sets an external factory for this factory to delegate requests it cannot process
setGenericTypeArgs(Type[]) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapKeyOrElementsArguments
setKeyGenericTypeArgs(Type[]) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.MapArguments
setKeyOrValueType(Class<?>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
setMapToBeFilled(Map<? super Object, ? super Object>) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractMapArguments
setMaxDepth(int) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Max depth setter
setMemoization(boolean) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Sets whether memoization is enabled
setMemoization(boolean) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Sets whether memoization is enabled
setMethodHeavyComparator(AbstractMethodComparator) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Setter for method heavy comparator.
setMethodHeavyComparator(AbstractMethodComparator) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Setter for method heavy comparator.
setMethodLightComparator(AbstractMethodComparator) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Setter for method light comparator.
setMethodLightComparator(AbstractMethodComparator) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.RandomDataProviderStrategy
Setter for method light comparator.
setStrategy(DataProviderStrategy) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractExternalFactory
setStrategy(DataProviderStrategy) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactory
Sets the data provider strategy for this factory
setStrategy(DataProviderStrategy) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
Sets the data provider strategy for this factory
SETTER_PATTERN - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractClassInfoStrategy
setters - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
The Set of setters for this attribute in the class
setValue(T) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.Holder
Setter for holder's value
ShortTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default short type manufacturer.
ShortTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.ShortTypeManufacturerImpl
SINGLETON - Static variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DefaultClassInfoStrategy
The singleton instance of this implementation
sort(Constructor<?>[], DataProviderStrategy.Order) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Rearranges POJO's constructors in order they will be tried to produce the POJO.
sort(Constructor<?>[], DataProviderStrategy.Order) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Rearranges POJO's constructors in order they will be tried to produce the POJO.
sort(Method[], DataProviderStrategy.Order) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
Rearranges POJO's methods in order they will be tried to produce the POJO.
sort(Method[], DataProviderStrategy.Order) - Method in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy
Rearranges POJO's methods in order they will be tried to produce the POJO.
specificTypes - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
A list of user-submitted specific implementations for interfaces and abstract classes
SPRING_ROOT_CONFIG_LOCATION - Static variable in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamConstants
The Podam Spring rool configuration file name.
STR_DEFAULT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamConstants
The default encoding for Strings.
STR_DEFAULT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamConstants
The default string length that Podam will assign to an annotated attribute
strategy - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.PodamFactoryImpl
The strategy to use to fill data.
StringTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default String type manufacturer.
StringTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.StringTypeManufacturerImpl
strValue() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamStringValue
If specified, it allows clients to specify an exact value for the string


THE_ANNOTATION_VALUE_STR - Static variable in interface uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamConstants
A String used for messages.
timestampToReturnType(Long) - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.BeanValidationStrategy
Converts intermediate long time stamp value to the actual attribute type, Date or Calendar
toString() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AttributeMetadata
toString() - Method in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.ClassAttribute
TypeManufacturer<T> - Interface in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Interface for a type manufacturer Created by tedonema on 17/05/2015.
typeManufacturers - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.api.AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy
A mapping between types and their registered manufacturers
TypeManufacturerUtil - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Type Manufacturer utility class.
TypeManufacturerUtil() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeManufacturerUtil
TypeTypeManufacturerImpl - Class in uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Default generic type type manufacturer.
TypeTypeManufacturerImpl() - Constructor for class uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers.TypeTypeManufacturerImpl


uk.co.jemos.podam.api - package uk.co.jemos.podam.api
This package contains PODAM main APIs
uk.co.jemos.podam.common - package uk.co.jemos.podam.common
This package contains PODAM common APIs
uk.co.jemos.podam.exceptions - package uk.co.jemos.podam.exceptions
This package contains PODAM exceptions.
uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers - package uk.co.jemos.podam.typeManufacturers
Contains Type Manufacturers.


value - Variable in class uk.co.jemos.podam.common.Holder
Object to hold
value() - Method in annotation type uk.co.jemos.podam.common.PodamStrategyValue
The strategy that will populate the annotated attribute
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy.Order
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum uk.co.jemos.podam.api.DataProviderStrategy.Order
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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