Interface DataProviderStrategy

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractRandomDataProviderStrategy, RandomDataProviderStrategyImpl

    public interface DataProviderStrategy
    This interface defines the contact for PODAM data providers.

    PODAM is a tool to fill POJOs with data. There are different requirements when it comes to which data POJOs should be filled with. The default strategy adopted by PODAM is to fill POJOs with random data. However other requirements might dictate to assign deterministic data using sequences, or other predictable sources of data. In order to do so, clients of PODAM will have to provide an implementation of this interface and pass it to the constructor of the PodamFactoryImpl class.

    • Method Detail

      • addOrReplaceTypeManufacturer

        <T> DataProviderStrategy addOrReplaceTypeManufacturer​(Class<? extends T> type,
                                                              TypeManufacturer<T> typeManufacturer)
        Registers @TypeManufacturer implementation, which will be used to instantiate objects of a specified type. Use this to alter factory behaviour.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of objects to be produced by the manufacturer
        type - the specific class type the specified manufacturer will instantiate.
        typeManufacturer - type manufacturer implementation to be registered
      • removeTypeManufacturer

        <T> DataProviderStrategy removeTypeManufacturer​(Class<T> type)
        Remove binding of a class type to a specific implementation of type manufacturer
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of objects to be produced by the manufacturer
        type - the specific class type to remove binding
      • getTypeValue

        <T> T getTypeValue​(AttributeMetadata attributeMetadata,
                           Map<String,​Type> genericTypesArgumentsMap,
                           Class<T> pojoType)
        Obtains a type value
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of returned object
        attributeMetadata - The AttributeMetadata information
        genericTypesArgumentsMap - The generic attribute type argument types
        pojoType - The class of the requested type
        The type value
      • addOrReplaceSpecific

        <T> DataProviderStrategy addOrReplaceSpecific​(Class<T> abstractClass,
                                                      Class<? extends T> specificClass)
        Bind an interface/abstract class to a specific implementation. If the strategy previously contained a binding for the interface/abstract class, the old value will be replaced by the new value. If you want to implement more sophisticated binding strategy, override this class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - return type
        abstractClass - the interface/abstract class to bind
        specificClass - the specific class implementing or extending abstractClass.
      • removeSpecific

        <T> DataProviderStrategy removeSpecific​(Class<T> abstractClass)
        Remove binding of an interface/abstract class to a specific implementation
        Type Parameters:
        T - return type
        abstractClass - the interface/abstract class to remove binding
      • getNumberOfCollectionElements

        int getNumberOfCollectionElements​(Class<?> type)
        Returns the number of default collection elements.

        Implementations of this interface need to provide this value.

        type - Type of collection's elements
        The number of default collection elements
      • setDefaultNumberOfCollectionElements

        void setDefaultNumberOfCollectionElements​(int newNumberOfCollectionElements)
        Sets the new default number of default collection elements.
        newNumberOfCollectionElements - The new number of collection elements.
      • getMaxDepth

        int getMaxDepth​(Class<?> type)
        Returns how many times it is allowed to PODAM to create an instance of the same class in a recursive hierarchy

        Implementations of this interface need to provide this value.

        type - Type of POJO to be created
        How many times it is allowed to create an instance of the same class in a recursive hierarchy
      • isMemoizationEnabled

        boolean isMemoizationEnabled()
        Returns whether the memoization setting is enabled. When memoization is enabled, only one object will be created for each type. Every next property of the same type will be a reference to the same object. This can dramatically improve performance but with the expense of not having objects with different values.

        Implementations of this interface need to provide this value.

        Whether the memoization setting is enabled.
      • setMemoization

        void setMemoization​(boolean isMemoizationEnabled)
        Sets whether memoization is enabled
        isMemoizationEnabled - whether memoization is enabled
      • getMemoizedObject

        Object getMemoizedObject​(AttributeMetadata attributeMetadata)
        Obtains object from memoization cache
        attributeMetadata - attribute metadata for instance to be fetched
        object instance from memoization cache
      • cacheMemoizedObject

        void cacheMemoizedObject​(AttributeMetadata attributeMetadata,
                                 Object instance)
        Saves object in memoization cache
        attributeMetadata - attribute metadata for instance being memoized
        instance - object instance to save in memoization cache
      • clearMemoizationCache

        void clearMemoizationCache()
        Clears memoization cache
      • sort

        void sort​(Constructor<?>[] constructors,
                  DataProviderStrategy.Order order)
        Rearranges POJO's constructors in order they will be tried to produce the POJO. Default strategy consists of putting constructors with less parameters to be tried first.
        constructors - Array of POJO's constructors
        order - DataProviderStrategy.Order how to sort constructors
      • sort

        void sort​(Method[] methods,
                  DataProviderStrategy.Order order)
        Rearranges POJO's methods in order they will be tried to produce the POJO. Default strategy consists of putting factory methods with more parameters to be tried first.
        methods - Array of POJO's methods
        order - DataProviderStrategy.Order how to sort constructors
      • getFactoryClass

        Class<?> getFactoryClass​(Class<?> nonInstantiatableClass)
        Resolves factory classes for abstract classes and interfaces.

        Should return factory class type, which can be used to instantiate an abstract class type or interface.

        nonInstantiatableClass - Abstract class type or interface
        Non-abstract factory class type to instantiate nonInstantiatableClass.
      • getSpecificClass

        <T> Class<? extends T> getSpecificClass​(Class<T> nonInstantiatableClass)
        Resolves abstract classes and interfaces.

        Should return specific class type, which can be instantiated and assigned to abstract class type or interface.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of class being resolved
        nonInstantiatableClass - Abstract class type or interface
        Non-abstract class type derived from nonInstantiatableClass.
      • getStrategyForAnnotation

        AttributeStrategy<?> getStrategyForAnnotation​(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass)
        Finds attribute strategies for annotations.

        Searches for mapping between annotations and attribute strategies, which will be used then for populating fields or constructor parameters.

        annotationClass - Annotation class to inspect
        attribute strategy associated with given annotation