Class ShortTypeManufacturerImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ShortTypeManufacturerImpl

        public ShortTypeManufacturerImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public Short getType​(DataProviderStrategy strategy,
                             AttributeMetadata attributeMetadata,
                             Map<String,​Type> genericTypesArgumentsMap)
        Returns a type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
        strategy - The DataProviderStrategy
        attributeMetadata - The AttributeMetadata
        genericTypesArgumentsMap - map with generic types mapped to actual types
        A type value conforming to the annotations and the AttributeMetadata provided.
      • getShort

        public Short getShort​(AttributeMetadata attributeMetadata)
        It returns a short/Short value.
        attributeMetadata - attribute metadata for instance to be fetched
        A short/Short value.
      • getShortInRange

        public Short getShortInRange​(short minValue,
                                     short maxValue,
                                     AttributeMetadata attributeMetadata)
        It returns a short/Short value between min and max value (included).
        minValue - The minimum value for the returned value
        maxValue - The maximum value for the returned value
        attributeMetadata - attribute metadata for instance to be fetched
        A short/Short value between min and max value (included).