All Classes and Interfaces

An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the Apache License 2.0.
Replaced by Apache_2_0.
Baseline ignore annotation.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the Simplified BSD or FreeBSD License.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the Revised BSD License.
The Bundle-Category header holds a comma-separated list of category names.
Maven defines contributors and developers in the POM.
The Bundle-Copyright header contains the copyright specification for this bundle.
Maven defines developers in the POM.
The Bundle-DocURL headers must contain a URL pointing to documentation about this bundle.
The Bundle-License header provides an optional machine readable form of license information.
For use in the creation of custom bundle annotations wishing to control the cardinality of generated requirements.
Standard categories as specified on OSGi References Page
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the Common Development and Distribution license.
Adding this annotation to a type in an API package indicates that the owner of that package will not change this interface in a minor update.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the Common Public License 1.0.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the Eclipse Public License 1.0.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the Eclipse Public License 2.0.
Annotation used on a package, in conjunction with the Export annotation, to express the JPMS modules to which this package is exported.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the GNU General Public License v2.0 only.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
This type represents a detected Internal Plugin as defined by the BndPlugin annotation (and InternalPluginNamespace capability.)
External Plugins are executable code that the Workspace can execute.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1 only.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1 or later.
Annotation used on a type to indicate that it is the Main-Class of the application resulting in the manifest header.
The Metadata interface provides access to the properties that underly a Configurable interface.
The AD element in the Metatype specification.
The OCD Annotation maps to the OCD element in the Metatype specification.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the MIT License.
Replaced by MIT.
An annotation to indicate that the type depends on the Mozilla Public License 2.0.
Annotation used on a package to declare it is open in terms of JPMS reflective access.
see org.osgi.annotation.bundle.Capability
A change in a provider type (that is all except Consumer types) can be changed with only (at minimum) a minor update to the package API version number.
This is a type that will be proxied.
see org.osgi.annotation.bundle.Requirement
see org.osgi.annotation.bundle.Requirement.Resolution
For use in the creation of custom bundle annotations wishing to control the resolution of generated requirements.
Annotation used to generate requirements necessary for supporting the consumer side of the Service Loader Mediator specification.
Annotation used to generate requirements and capabilities necessary for supporting the provider side of the Service Loader Mediator specification.
Define an xml attribute extension annotation.