Implements methods for reading and writing D-dimensional images
VTK file format does not indicate the orientation of the image. Therefore, when reading from VTK, we assume that it is in RAI orientation. Hence, no magic is done, the same information (coordinates) present in the VTK file header are directly mapped to our coordinate system.
This is also the case when writing VTK. Our image domain information (origin, spacing ..) is mapped directly into the written VTK file header.
This is however not the case for Nifti files! Nifti file headers contain an affine transform from the ijk image coordinates to an RAS World Coordinate System (therefore supporting different image orientations). In order to read Nifti files coherently, we need to adapt the obtained RAS coordinates to our LPS system :
This is done by mirroring the first two dimensions of each point after applying the affine transform
The same mirroring is done again when writing an image to the Nifti format.
'''Note on Nifti's qform and sform :'''
As mentioned above, the Nifti header contains a transform from the unit ijk grid to the RAS world coordinates of the grid. This transform can be encoded in 2 entries of the Nifti header, the qform and the sform. In some files, these 2 entries can both be present, and in some cases could even indicate different transforms. In Scalismo, when such a case happens, we favour the sform entry by default. If you wish instead to favour the qform transform, you can do so by setting a flag appropriately in the method.
''' Documentation on orientation :'''
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- ImageIO.type