
See theTetrahedralMesh companion object
trait TetrahedralMesh[D] extends DiscreteDomain[D]

Represents a tetrahedral mesh.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Abstract methods

Superset of points used to define the tetrahedral mesh. In general it contains exactly the points used in all tetrahedrals, but it not restricted to only contain points used in a tetrahedral. Points not used in any tetrahedral are allowed.

Superset of points used to define the tetrahedral mesh. In general it contains exactly the points used in all tetrahedrals, but it not restricted to only contain points used in a tetrahedral. Points not used in any tetrahedral are allowed.


Ordered list of tetrahedrals forming the tetrahedral mesh.

Ordered list of tetrahedrals forming the tetrahedral mesh.


Concrete methods

def computeTetrahedronVolume(tetrahedron: TetrahedralCell): Double
Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D

Returns the volume of the indicated tetrahedral cell.

Returns the volume of the indicated tetrahedral cell.


def getBarycentricCoordinates(point: Point[_3D], tetrathedron: TetrahedralCell): Array[Double]
Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D

Returns the Barycentric coordinates of a point inside the indicated cell.

Returns the Barycentric coordinates of a point inside the indicated cell.


def isInsideTetrahedralCell(point: Point[_3D], tetrahedron: TetrahedralCell): Boolean
Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D

Returns true for points within a tetrahedron defined by the indicated cell.

Returns true for points within a tetrahedron defined by the indicated cell.


Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D

Returns a random point lying within the tetrahedron defined by the indicated cell.

Returns a random point lying within the tetrahedron defined by the indicated cell.

The sampled points follow a uniform distribution within the tetrahedron. The method if based on the paper Generating Random Points in a Tetrahedron" from Rocchini et. al.: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10867651.2000.10487528



implicit Random object


Tetrahedral cell of the mesh, in which to draw a random point

Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D

Applies a point transformation to the point set and returns a new transformed mesh. The method keeps the tetrahedralization as it is and only changes the location of the points.

Applies a point transformation to the point set and returns a new transformed mesh. The method keeps the tetrahedralization as it is and only changes the location of the points.



A function that maps a given point to a new position. All instances of scalismo.registration.Transformation being descendants of Function1[Point[_3D], Point[_3D] ] are valid arguments.

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D


Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D
val cells: IndexedSeq[TetrahedralCell]
Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D
val tetrahedrons: IndexedSeq[TetrahedralCell]
Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D
lazy val volume: Double
Implicitly added by parametricToConcreteType3D

Returns the volume of the TetrahedralMesh as sum of all tetrahedrals. For meshes with overlapping tetrahedrals the value will not be correct.

Returns the volume of the TetrahedralMesh as sum of all tetrahedrals. For meshes with overlapping tetrahedrals the value will not be correct.
