Class DataModel

    • Field Detail

      • FMT_XML_DATA

        public static final int FMT_XML_DATA
        Enumeration XFAXMLFormat:
        1. FMT_XML_DATA = 3rd party XML,
        2. FMT_XPF_DATA = XPF format.
        Note! The numbers assigned to these constants can't be changed! The scripting interface uses the numerical value to specify formats.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataModel

        public DataModel​(Element parent,
                         Node prevSibling)
        Default Constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • dataDescriptionNS

        public static String dataDescriptionNS()
      • getDataModel

        public static DataModel getDataModel​(AppModel app,
                                             boolean bCreateIfNotFound,
                                             boolean bAppend)
        Gets the data model held within an XFA DOM hierarchy.
        app - the application model.
        bCreateIfNotFound - when true, create a data model if needed.
        bAppend - when true, append any underling xml to the xfa root element when loading, and when false, create orphan xfa:datasets and xfa:data nodes. This behaviour occurs only works when bCreateIfNotFound is set to true.
        the data model, or null if none found.
      • appendChild

        public void appendChild​(Node newChild,
                                boolean bValidate)
        Description copied from class: Element
        Appends the given child to this element.
        appendChild in class Element
        newChild - the child node being appended.
        bValidate - when true, ensures the given child is valid per the model's schema and throws an ExFull if not.
      • createChild

        public Node createChild​(boolean bIsLeaf,
                                String aName)
      • createNode

        public Node createNode​(int eClassTag,
                               Element parent,
                               String aNodeName,
                               String ns,
                               boolean bDoVersionCheck)
        Description copied from class: Model
        Create an element with the given tag, parent, name and uri.
        Specified by:
        createNode in class Model
        eClassTag - the element's tag.
        parent - the element's parent.
        aNodeName - the element's name.
        ns - the element's namespace.
        bDoVersionCheck - check the element's version.
        a new element.
      • createElement

        public Element createElement​(Element parent,
                                     Node prevSibling,
                                     String uri,
                                     String localName,
                                     String qName,
                                     Attributes attributes,
                                     int lineNumber,
                                     String fileName)
        Description copied from class: Model
        Creates an element with the given parent, sibling, namespace uri, local name and SAX attributes.
        createElement in class Model
        parent - the element's parent, if any.
        prevSibling - the element's previous sibling, if any.
        uri - the element's namespace. This string must be interned.
        localName - the element's name. This string must be interned.
        qName - the element's qualified name. This string must be interned.
        attributes - the element's (SAX) attribute definitions.
        a new element conformant to our schema.
        See Also:
        Model.createElement(Element, Node, String, String, String, Attributes, int, String)
      • findAttrInNS

        public Attribute findAttrInNS​(Element e,
                                      String aNodeName)
        Find an attribute via loose namespace checking. Our check simply verifies that the namespace is compatible with any variation of namespaces for this model. Using the variations are simply changes in version number.
        e - the element to search
        aNodeName - the local name of the attribute
        attribute index. -1 if not found.
      • findAttrInNS

        public Attribute findAttrInNS​(Attribute[] attrs,
                                      String aNodeName)
        Given an array of attributes, find the specified node name which exists in a namespace that is compatible with this data model's namespace. (This is a direct port of the C++ method by the same name, unlike the other variant of findAttrInNS above).
        attrs - the array of attributes to search
        aNodeName - the local name of the attribute
        the attribute. null if not found.
      • getDataDescriptionRoot

        public DataNode getDataDescriptionRoot​(String sDataRootName)
      • createDataRootElement

        public DataNode createDataRootElement​(DataNode dataDescription)
      • connectPeerToDocument

        public void connectPeerToDocument()
        Description copied from class: Element
        connectPeerToDocument() is used to rearrange the DOM tree when inserting or appending a node. It is provided here as a utility function for derived classes that could be adding child nodes, when peered against an orphan node. In particular, this happens with xfa:datasets and xfa:data, both of which may be created during the load process. On the C++ side, this method is only used by the data model. Due to the differences between the relationship of Documents and AppModels in Java, on the Java side it is also called when creating a DOM from scratch, from any ModelFactory's createDOM method. In the DataModel context at least, it should only be called if the DOM peer is an orphan. It takes that orphan and connects it to the document, and then moves the original peer of this node to be a child of the node that previously was orphaned.
        connectPeerToDocument in class Element
      • getDataRoot

        public DataNode getDataRoot()
      • getDataWindow

        public DataWindow getDataWindow()
      • initFromDataDescription

        public void initFromDataDescription​(Element dataNode)
        used to ensure an export data tree has a basic population since an export data tree doesn't necessarily have any actual data bindings.
      • insertChild

        public void insertChild​(Node newChild,
                                Node refChild,
                                boolean bValidate)
        Description copied from class: Element
        Inserts a child before a specific child in the child list.
        insertChild in class Element
        newChild - the child to be inserted
        refChild - the child to insert before
        bValidate - if true, validate the insertion
      • isCompatibleNS

        public boolean isCompatibleNS​(String aNS)
        Description copied from class: Model
        Determine if a specified namespace string is compatible with the namespace of this model. Essentially this determines if the two namespaces are equivalent (though the strings that represent them may not be identical).
        isCompatibleNS in class Model
        aNS - The namespace to compare.
      • remove

        public void remove()
        Description copied from class: Node
        Removes this node from its parent child list.
        remove in class Model
        See Also:
      • removeDDPlaceholderFlags

        public static void removeDDPlaceholderFlags​(Node dataNode,
                                                    boolean bDeep)
      • resolveRef

        public Node resolveRef​(String sSOM,
                               Element contextNode,
                               boolean bDataValue,
                               boolean bDefault)
      • setSaveFormat

        public void setSaveFormat​(int format)
      • validateUsage

        public boolean validateUsage​(int nXFAVersion,
                                     int nAvailability,
                                     boolean bUpdateVersion)
        Description copied from class: Obj
        Validate if the given Version and Availability flags are valid for the current document
        validateUsage in class Model
        nXFAVersion - The target XFA Version
        nAvailability - The target Availability flags, this indicates for what clients the script is available
        bUpdateVersion - indicates if the model version can be updated by the calling code
        if true, Version and Availability flags are valid
        See Also:
        Model.validateUsage(int, int, boolean)
      • validateUsageFailedIsFatal

        public boolean validateUsageFailedIsFatal​(int nXFAVersion,
                                                  int nAvailability)
        Description copied from class: Obj
        Determines if disallowing a version should be considered a fatal error.

        This method is called after calling Obj.validateUsage(int, int, boolean) when that method returns false.

        validateUsageFailedIsFatal in class Model
        nXFAVersion - The target XFA Version
        nAvailability - The target Availability flags, this indicates for what clients the script is available
        true if disallowing nVersion should be considered a fatal error
        See Also:
        Model.validateUsageFailedIsFatal(int, int)
      • disableSchemaValidation

        public void disableSchemaValidation​(boolean bMode)
      • getRootOfDataDescription

        public static DataNode getRootOfDataDescription​(Node dataDesc)
        Find a data description node's ancestor.
      • findAssociation

        public static Node findAssociation​(Node dataDesc,
                                           String aAssociationName)
        Recursive search of a data description for a with a particular name. The first hit is returned.
      • getReflectedNodes

        public static void getReflectedNodes​(Node dataNode,
                                             String aTargetNamespaceURI,
                                             String aTargetName,
                                             Key targetKey,
                                             List<String> oFKeyValueAddressList,
                                             Node namespaceContextNode,
                                             NodeList results)
        Recursive search of a data model for nodes of a particular target QName whose foreign key matches the supplied primary key. All hits are returned.