Interface ApplicationListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
ApplicationAdapter, Game

public interface ApplicationListener

An ApplicationListener is called when the Application is created, resumed, rendering, paused or destroyed. All methods are called in a thread that has the OpenGL context current. You can thus safely create and manipulate graphics resources.

The ApplicationListener interface follows the standard Android activity life-cycle and is emulated on the desktop accordingly.


Method Summary
 void create()
          Called when the Application is first created.
 void dispose()
          Called when the Application is destroyed.
 void pause()
          Called when the Application is paused.
 void render()
          Called when the Application should render itself.
 void resize(int width, int height)
          Called when the Application is resized.
 void resume()
          Called when the Application is resumed from a paused state.

Method Detail


void create()
Called when the Application is first created.


void resize(int width,
            int height)
Called when the Application is resized. This can happen at any point during a non-paused state but will never happen before a call to create().

width - the new width in pixels
height - the new height in pixels


void render()
Called when the Application should render itself.


void pause()
Called when the Application is paused. An Application is paused before it is destroyed, when a user pressed the Home button on Android or an incoming call happend. On the desktop this will only be called immediately before dispose() is called.


void resume()
Called when the Application is resumed from a paused state. On Android this happens when the activity gets focus again. On the desktop this method will never be called.


void dispose()
Called when the Application is destroyed. Preceded by a call to pause().

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