Package com.badlogic.gdx

Interface Summary
Application An Application is the main entry point of your project.
ApplicationListener An ApplicationListener is called when the Application is created, resumed, rendering, paused or destroyed.
Audio This interface encapsulates the creation and management of audio resources.
Files Provides standard access to the filesystem, classpath, Android SD card, and Android assets directory.
Graphics This interface encapsulates communication with the graphics processor.
Input Interface to the input facilities.
Input.TextInputListener Callback interface for Input.getTextInput(TextInputListener, String, String)
InputProcessor An InputProcessor is used to receive input events from the keyboard and the touch screen (mouse on the desktop).
LifecycleListener A LifecycleListener can be added to an Application via Application.addLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener).
Net Provides methods to perform networking operations, such as simple HTTP get and post requests, and TCP server/client socket communication.
Net.HttpMethods Provides common HTTP methods to use when creating a Net.HttpRequest.
Net.HttpResponse HTTP response interface with methods to get the response data as a byte[], a String or an InputStream.
Net.HttpResponseListener Listener to be able to do custom logic once the Net.HttpResponse is ready to be processed, register it with Net.sendHttpRequest(HttpRequest, HttpResponseListener).
Preferences A Preference instance is a hash map holding different values.
Screen Represents one of many application screens, such as a main menu, a settings menu, the game screen and so on.

Class Summary
ApplicationAdapter Convenience implementation of ApplicationListener.
Game An ApplicationListener that delegates to a Screen.
Gdx Environment class holding references to the Application, Graphics, Audio, Files and Input instances.
Graphics.BufferFormat Class describing the bits per pixel, depth buffer precision, stencil precision and number of MSAA samples.
Graphics.DisplayMode Describe a fullscreen display mode
Input.Buttons Mouse buttons.
Input.Keys Keys.
InputAdapter An adapter class for InputProcessor.
InputMultiplexer An InputProcessor that delegates to an ordered list of other InputProcessors.
InputProcessorQueue Queues events that are later passed to the wrapped InputProcessor.
Net.HttpRequest Contains getters and setters for the following parameters: httpMethod: GET or POST are most common, can use HttpMethods for static references url: the url headers: a map of the headers, setter can be called multiple times timeout: time spent trying to connect before giving up content: A string containing the data to be used when processing the HTTP request. Abstracts the concept of a HTTP Request:
ScreenAdapter Convenience implementation of Screen.
Version The version of libgdx

Enum Summary
Application.ApplicationType Enumeration of possible Application types
Files.FileType Indicates how to resolve a path to a file.
Graphics.GraphicsType Enumeration describing different types of Graphics implementations.
Input.Peripheral Enumeration of potentially available peripherals.
Net.Protocol Protocol used by Net.newServerSocket(Protocol, int, ServerSocketHints) and Net.newClientSocket(Protocol, String, int, SocketHints).

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