Interface AudioRecorder

All Superinterfaces:

public interface AudioRecorder
extends Disposable

An AudioRecorder allows to record input from an audio device. It has a sampling rate and is either stereo or mono. Samples are returned in signed 16-bit PCM format. Stereo samples are interleaved in the order left channel, right channel. The AudioRecorder has to be disposed if no longer needed via the dispose().


Method Summary
 void dispose()
          Disposes the AudioRecorder
 void read(short[] samples, int offset, int numSamples)
          Reads in numSamples samples into the array samples starting at offset.

Method Detail


void read(short[] samples,
          int offset,
          int numSamples)
Reads in numSamples samples into the array samples starting at offset. If the recorder is in stereo you have to multiply numSamples by 2.

samples - the array to write the samples to
offset - the offset into the array
numSamples - the number of samples to be read


void dispose()
Disposes the AudioRecorder

Specified by:
dispose in interface Disposable

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