Interface GroupStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
CameraGroupStrategy, DefaultGroupStrategy, PluggableGroupStrategy, SimpleOrthoGroupStrategy

public interface GroupStrategy

This class provides hooks which are invoked by DecalBatch to evaluate the group a sprite falls into, as well as to adjust settings before and after rendering a group.

A group is identified by an integer. The beforeGroup() method provides the strategy with a list of all the decals, which are contained in the group itself, and will be rendered before the associated call to afterGroup(int).
A call to beforeGroup() is always fallowed by a call to afterGroup().
Groups are always invoked based on their ascending int values. Group -10 will be rendered before group -5, group -5 before group 0, group 0 before group 6 and so on.
The call order for a single flush is always beforeGroups(), beforeGroup1(), afterGroup1(), ... beforeGroupN(), afterGroupN(), afterGroups().

The contents of the beforeGroup() call can be modified at will to realize view frustum culling, material & depth sorting, ... all based on the requirements of the current group. The batch itself does not change OpenGL settings except for whichever changes are entailed DecalMaterial.set(). If the group requires a special shader, blending, getGroupShader(int) should return it so that DecalBatch can apply it while rendering the group.

Method Summary
 void afterGroup(int group)
          Invoked directly after rendering of a group has completed
 void afterGroups()
          Invoked after having rendered all groups
 void beforeGroup(int group, Array<Decal> contents)
          Invoked directly before rendering the contents of a group
 void beforeGroups()
          Invoked before rendering any group
 int decideGroup(Decal decal)
          Assigns a group to a decal
 ShaderProgram getGroupShader(int group)
          Returns the shader to be used for the group.

Method Detail


ShaderProgram getGroupShader(int group)
Returns the shader to be used for the group. Can be null in which case the GroupStrategy doesn't support GLES 2.0

group - the group
the ShaderProgram


int decideGroup(Decal decal)
Assigns a group to a decal

decal - Decal to assign group to
group assigned


void beforeGroup(int group,
                 Array<Decal> contents)
Invoked directly before rendering the contents of a group

group - Group that will be rendered
contents - Array of entries of arrays containing all the decals in the group


void afterGroup(int group)
Invoked directly after rendering of a group has completed

group - Group which completed rendering


void beforeGroups()
Invoked before rendering any group


void afterGroups()
Invoked after having rendered all groups

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