
Interface Summary
GroupPlug Handles a single group's pre and post render arrangements.
GroupStrategy This class provides hooks which are invoked by DecalBatch to evaluate the group a sprite falls into, as well as to adjust settings before and after rendering a group.

Class Summary
CameraGroupStrategy Minimalistic grouping strategy that splits decals into opaque and transparent ones enabling and disabling blending as needed.

Represents a sprite in 3d space.

DecalBatch Renderer for Decal objects.
DecalMaterial Material used by the Decal class
DefaultGroupStrategy Minimalistic grouping strategy that splits decals into opaque and transparent ones enabling and disabling blending as needed.
PluggableGroupStrategy This class in combination with the GroupPlugs allows you to build a modular GroupStrategy out of routines you already implemented.
SimpleOrthoGroupStrategy Minimalistic grouping strategy useful for orthogonal scenes where the camera faces the negative z axis.

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