Class MipMapGenerator

  extended by

public class MipMapGenerator
extends Object

Method Summary
static void generateMipMap(int target, Pixmap pixmap, int textureWidth, int textureHeight)
          Sets the image data of the Texture based on the Pixmap.
static void generateMipMap(Pixmap pixmap, int textureWidth, int textureHeight)
          Sets the image data of the Texture based on the Pixmap.
static void setUseHardwareMipMap(boolean useHWMipMap)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void setUseHardwareMipMap(boolean useHWMipMap)


public static void generateMipMap(Pixmap pixmap,
                                  int textureWidth,
                                  int textureHeight)
Sets the image data of the Texture based on the Pixmap. The texture must be bound for this to work. If disposePixmap is true, the pixmap will be disposed at the end of the method.

pixmap - the Pixmap


public static void generateMipMap(int target,
                                  Pixmap pixmap,
                                  int textureWidth,
                                  int textureHeight)
Sets the image data of the Texture based on the Pixmap. The texture must be bound for this to work. If disposePixmap is true, the pixmap will be disposed at the end of the method.

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