Class RemoteInput

  extended by com.badlogic.gdx.input.RemoteInput
All Implemented Interfaces:
Input, Runnable

public class RemoteInput
extends Object
implements Runnable, Input

An Input implementation that receives touch, key, accelerometer and compass events from a remote Android device. Just instantiate it and specify the port it should listen on for incoming connections (default 8190). Then store the new RemoteInput instance in Gdx.input. That's it.

On your Android device you can use the gdx-remote application available on the Google Code page as an APK or in SVN (extensions/gdx-remote). Open it, specify the IP address and the port of the PC your libgdx app is running on and then tap away.

The touch coordinates will be translated to the desktop window's coordinate system, no matter the orientation of the device


Nested Class Summary
static interface RemoteInput.RemoteInputListener
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.badlogic.gdx.Input
Input.Buttons, Input.Keys, Input.Orientation, Input.Peripheral, Input.TextInputListener
Field Summary
static int DEFAULT_PORT
 String[] ips
Constructor Summary
RemoteInput(int port)
RemoteInput(int port, RemoteInput.RemoteInputListener listener)
RemoteInput(RemoteInput.RemoteInputListener listener)
Method Summary
 void cancelVibrate()
          Stops the vibrator
 float getAccelerometerX()
 float getAccelerometerY()
 float getAccelerometerZ()
 float getAzimuth()
          The azimuth is the angle of the device's orientation around the z-axis.
 long getCurrentEventTime()
 int getDeltaX()
 int getDeltaX(int pointer)
 int getDeltaY()
 int getDeltaY(int pointer)
 InputProcessor getInputProcessor()
 String[] getIPs()
 Input.Orientation getNativeOrientation()
 float getPitch()
          The pitch is the angle of the device's orientation around the x-axis.
 void getPlaceholderTextInput(Input.TextInputListener listener, String title, String placeholder)
          System dependent method to input a string of text.
 float getRoll()
          The roll is the angle of the device's orientation around the y-axis.
 int getRotation()
 void getRotationMatrix(float[] matrix)
          Returns the rotation matrix describing the devices rotation as per SensorManager#getRotationMatrix(float[], float[], float[], float[]).
 void getTextInput(Input.TextInputListener listener, String title, String text)
          System dependent method to input a string of text.
 int getX()
 int getX(int pointer)
          Returns the x coordinate in screen coordinates of the given pointer.
 int getY()
 int getY(int pointer)
          Returns the y coordinate in screen coordinates of the given pointer.
 boolean isButtonPressed(int button)
          Whether a given button is pressed or not.
 boolean isConnected()
 boolean isCursorCatched()
 boolean isKeyPressed(int key)
          Returns whether the key is pressed.
 boolean isPeripheralAvailable(Input.Peripheral peripheral)
          Queries whether a Input.Peripheral is currently available.
 boolean isTouched()
 boolean isTouched(int pointer)
          Whether the screen is currently touched by the pointer with the given index.
 boolean justTouched()
 void run()
 void setCatchBackKey(boolean catchBack)
          Sets whether the BACK button on Android should be caught.
 void setCatchMenuKey(boolean catchMenu)
          Sets whether the MENU button on Android should be caught.
 void setCursorCatched(boolean catched)
          Only viable on the desktop.
 void setCursorImage(Pixmap pixmap, int xHotspot, int yHotspot)
          Only viable on the desktop.
 void setCursorPosition(int x, int y)
          Only viable on the desktop.
 void setInputProcessor(InputProcessor processor)
          Sets the InputProcessor that will receive all touch and key input events.
 void setOnscreenKeyboardVisible(boolean visible)
          Sets the on-screen keyboard visible if available.
 void vibrate(int milliseconds)
          Vibrates for the given amount of time.
 void vibrate(long[] pattern, int repeat)
          Vibrate with a given pattern.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static int DEFAULT_PORT


public final String[] ips
Constructor Detail


public RemoteInput()


public RemoteInput(RemoteInput.RemoteInputListener listener)


public RemoteInput(int port)


public RemoteInput(int port,
                   RemoteInput.RemoteInputListener listener)
Method Detail


public void run()
Specified by:
run in interface Runnable


public boolean isConnected()


public float getAccelerometerX()
Specified by:
getAccelerometerX in interface Input
The value of the accelerometer on its x-axis. ranges between [-10,10].


public float getAccelerometerY()
Specified by:
getAccelerometerY in interface Input
The value of the accelerometer on its y-axis. ranges between [-10,10].


public float getAccelerometerZ()
Specified by:
getAccelerometerZ in interface Input
The value of the accelerometer on its y-axis. ranges between [-10,10].


public int getX()
Specified by:
getX in interface Input
the last touch x coordinate for the first pointer in screen coordinates. The screen origin is the top left corner.


public int getX(int pointer)
Description copied from interface: Input
Returns the x coordinate in screen coordinates of the given pointer. Pointers are indexed from 0 to n. The pointer id identifies the order in which the fingers went down on the screen, e.g. 0 is the first finger, 1 is the second and so on. When two fingers are touched down and the first one is lifted the second one keeps its index. If another finger is placed on the touch screen the first free index will be used.

Specified by:
getX in interface Input
pointer - the pointer id.
the x coordinate


public int getY()
Specified by:
getY in interface Input
the last touch y coordinate for the first pointer in screen coordinates. The screen origin is the top left corner.


public int getY(int pointer)
Description copied from interface: Input
Returns the y coordinate in screen coordinates of the given pointer. Pointers are indexed from 0 to n. The pointer id identifies the order in which the fingers went down on the screen, e.g. 0 is the first finger, 1 is the second and so on. When two fingers are touched down and the first one is lifted the second one keeps its index. If another finger is placed on the touch screen the first free index will be used.

Specified by:
getY in interface Input
pointer - the pointer id.
the y coordinate


public boolean isTouched()
Specified by:
isTouched in interface Input
whether the screen is currently touched.


public boolean justTouched()
Specified by:
justTouched in interface Input
whether a new touch down event just occured.


public boolean isTouched(int pointer)
Description copied from interface: Input
Whether the screen is currently touched by the pointer with the given index. Pointers are indexed from 0 to n. The pointer id identifies the order in which the fingers went down on the screen, e.g. 0 is the first finger, 1 is the second and so on. When two fingers are touched down and the first one is lifted the second one keeps its index. If another finger is placed on the touch screen the first free index will be used.

Specified by:
isTouched in interface Input
pointer - the pointer
whether the screen is touched by the pointer


public boolean isButtonPressed(int button)
Description copied from interface: Input
Whether a given button is pressed or not. Button constants can be found in Input.Buttons. On Android only the Button#LEFT constant is meaningful.

Specified by:
isButtonPressed in interface Input
button - the button to check.
whether the button is down or not.


public boolean isKeyPressed(int key)
Description copied from interface: Input
Returns whether the key is pressed.

Specified by:
isKeyPressed in interface Input
key - The key code as found in Input.Keys.
true or false.


public void getTextInput(Input.TextInputListener listener,
                         String title,
                         String text)
Description copied from interface: Input
System dependent method to input a string of text. A dialog box will be created with the given title and the given text as a message for the user. Once the dialog has been closed the provided Input.TextInputListener will be called on the rendering thread.

Specified by:
getTextInput in interface Input
listener - The TextInputListener.
title - The title of the text input dialog.
text - The message presented to the user.


public void getPlaceholderTextInput(Input.TextInputListener listener,
                                    String title,
                                    String placeholder)
Description copied from interface: Input
System dependent method to input a string of text. A dialog box will be created with the given title and the given text as a hint message for the user. Once the dialog has been closed the provided Input.TextInputListener will be called on the rendering thread.

Specified by:
getPlaceholderTextInput in interface Input
listener - The TextInputListener.
title - The title of the text input dialog.
placeholder - The placeholder text presented to the user.


public void setOnscreenKeyboardVisible(boolean visible)
Description copied from interface: Input
Sets the on-screen keyboard visible if available.

Specified by:
setOnscreenKeyboardVisible in interface Input
visible - visible or not


public void vibrate(int milliseconds)
Description copied from interface: Input
Vibrates for the given amount of time. Note that you'll need the permission in your manifest file in order for this to work.

Specified by:
vibrate in interface Input
milliseconds - the number of milliseconds to vibrate.


public void vibrate(long[] pattern,
                    int repeat)
Description copied from interface: Input
Vibrate with a given pattern. Pass in an array of ints that are the times at which to turn on or off the vibrator. The first one is how long to wait before turning it on, and then after that it alternates. If you want to repeat, pass the index into the pattern at which to start the repeat.

Specified by:
vibrate in interface Input
pattern - an array of longs of times to turn the vibrator on or off.
repeat - the index into pattern at which to repeat, or -1 if you don't want to repeat.


public void cancelVibrate()
Description copied from interface: Input
Stops the vibrator

Specified by:
cancelVibrate in interface Input


public float getAzimuth()
Description copied from interface: Input
The azimuth is the angle of the device's orientation around the z-axis. The positive z-axis points towards the earths center.

Specified by:
getAzimuth in interface Input
the azimuth in degrees
See Also:[], float[], float[], float[])


public float getPitch()
Description copied from interface: Input
The pitch is the angle of the device's orientation around the x-axis. The positive x-axis roughly points to the west and is orthogonal to the z- and y-axis.

Specified by:
getPitch in interface Input
the pitch in degrees
See Also:[], float[], float[], float[])


public float getRoll()
Description copied from interface: Input
The roll is the angle of the device's orientation around the y-axis. The positive y-axis points to the magnetic north pole of the earth.

Specified by:
getRoll in interface Input
the roll in degrees
See Also:[], float[], float[], float[])


public void setCatchBackKey(boolean catchBack)
Description copied from interface: Input
Sets whether the BACK button on Android should be caught. This will prevent the app from being paused. Will have no effect on the desktop.

Specified by:
setCatchBackKey in interface Input
catchBack - whether to catch the back button


public void setInputProcessor(InputProcessor processor)
Description copied from interface: Input
Sets the InputProcessor that will receive all touch and key input events. It will be called before the ApplicationListener.render() method each frame.

Specified by:
setInputProcessor in interface Input
processor - the InputProcessor


public InputProcessor getInputProcessor()
Specified by:
getInputProcessor in interface Input
the currently set InputProcessor or null.


public String[] getIPs()
the IP addresses RemoteSender or gdx-remote should connect to. Most likely the LAN addresses if behind a NAT.


public boolean isPeripheralAvailable(Input.Peripheral peripheral)
Description copied from interface: Input
Queries whether a Input.Peripheral is currently available. In case of Android and the Input.Peripheral.HardwareKeyboard this returns the whether the keyboard is currently slid out or not.

Specified by:
isPeripheralAvailable in interface Input
peripheral - the Input.Peripheral
whether the peripheral is available or not.


public int getRotation()
Specified by:
getRotation in interface Input
the rotation of the device with respect to its native orientation.


public Input.Orientation getNativeOrientation()
Specified by:
getNativeOrientation in interface Input
the native orientation of the device.


public void setCursorCatched(boolean catched)
Description copied from interface: Input
Only viable on the desktop. Will confine the mouse cursor location to the window and hide the mouse cursor.

Specified by:
setCursorCatched in interface Input
catched - whether to catch or not to catch the mouse cursor


public boolean isCursorCatched()
Specified by:
isCursorCatched in interface Input
whether the mouse cursor is catched.


public int getDeltaX()
Specified by:
getDeltaX in interface Input
the different between the current pointer location and the last pointer location on the x-axis.


public int getDeltaX(int pointer)
Specified by:
getDeltaX in interface Input
the different between the current pointer location and the last pointer location on the x-axis.


public int getDeltaY()
Specified by:
getDeltaY in interface Input
the different between the current pointer location and the last pointer location on the y-axis.


public int getDeltaY(int pointer)
Specified by:
getDeltaY in interface Input
the different between the current pointer location and the last pointer location on the y-axis.


public void setCursorPosition(int x,
                              int y)
Description copied from interface: Input
Only viable on the desktop. Will set the mouse cursor location to the given window coordinates (origin top-left corner).

Specified by:
setCursorPosition in interface Input
x - the x-position
y - the y-position


public void setCursorImage(Pixmap pixmap,
                           int xHotspot,
                           int yHotspot)
Description copied from interface: Input
Only viable on the desktop. Will set the mouse cursor image to the image represented by the Pixmap. The Pixmap must be in RGBA8888 format, width & height must be powers-of-two greater than zero (not necessarily equal), and alpha transparency must be single-bit (i.e., 0x00 or 0xFF only). To revert to the default operating system cursor, pass in a null Pixmap; xHotspot & yHotspot are ignored in this case.

Specified by:
setCursorImage in interface Input
pixmap - the mouse cursor image as a Pixmap, or null to revert to the default operating system cursor
xHotspot - the x location of the hotspot pixel within the cursor image (origin top-left corner)
yHotspot - the y location of the hotspot pixel within the cursor image (origin top-left corner)


public void setCatchMenuKey(boolean catchMenu)
Description copied from interface: Input
Sets whether the MENU button on Android should be caught. This will prevent the onscreen keyboard to show up. Will have no effect on the desktop.

Specified by:
setCatchMenuKey in interface Input
catchMenu - whether to catch the back button


public long getCurrentEventTime()
Specified by:
getCurrentEventTime in interface Input
the time of the event currently reported to the InputProcessor.


public void getRotationMatrix(float[] matrix)
Description copied from interface: Input
Returns the rotation matrix describing the devices rotation as per SensorManager#getRotationMatrix(float[], float[], float[], float[]). Does not manipulate the matrix if the platform does not have an accelerometer.

Specified by:
getRotationMatrix in interface Input

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