Class PolygonShape

  extended by com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Shape
      extended by com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.PolygonShape

public class PolygonShape
extends Shape

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Shape
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new polygon
Method Summary
 Shape.Type getType()
          Get the type of this shape.
 void getVertex(int index, Vector2 vertex)
          Returns the vertex at the given position.
 int getVertexCount()
 void set(float[] vertices)
          Copy vertices from the given float array.
 void set(float[] vertices, int offset, int len)
          Copy vertices from the given float array, taking into account the offset and length.
 void set(Vector2[] vertices)
          Copy vertices.
 void setAsBox(float hx, float hy)
          Build vertices to represent an axis-aligned box.
 void setAsBox(float hx, float hy, Vector2 center, float angle)
          Build vertices to represent an oriented box.
Methods inherited from class com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Shape
dispose, getChildCount, getRadius, setRadius
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PolygonShape()
Constructs a new polygon

Method Detail


public Shape.Type getType()
Get the type of this shape. You can use this to down cast to the concrete shape.

Specified by:
getType in class Shape
the shape type.


public void set(Vector2[] vertices)
Copy vertices. This assumes the vertices define a convex polygon. It is assumed that the exterior is the the right of each edge.


public void set(float[] vertices)
Copy vertices from the given float array. It is assumed the vertices are in x,y order and define a convex polygon. It is assumed that the exterior is the the right of each edge.


public void set(float[] vertices,
                int offset,
                int len)
Copy vertices from the given float array, taking into account the offset and length. It is assumed the vertices are in x,y order and define a convex polygon. It is assumed that the exterior is the the right of each edge.


public void setAsBox(float hx,
                     float hy)
Build vertices to represent an axis-aligned box.

hx - the half-width.
hy - the half-height.


public void setAsBox(float hx,
                     float hy,
                     Vector2 center,
                     float angle)
Build vertices to represent an oriented box.

hx - the half-width.
hy - the half-height.
center - the center of the box in local coordinates.
angle - the rotation in radians of the box in local coordinates.


public int getVertexCount()
the number of vertices


public void getVertex(int index,
                      Vector2 vertex)
Returns the vertex at the given position.

index - the index of the vertex 0 <= index < getVertexCount( )
vertex - vertex

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