Interface RayCastCallback

public interface RayCastCallback

Callback class for ray casts.

See Also:
World.rayCast(RayCastCallback, Vector2, Vector2)

Method Summary
 float reportRayFixture(Fixture fixture, Vector2 point, Vector2 normal, float fraction)
          Called for each fixture found in the query.

Method Detail


float reportRayFixture(Fixture fixture,
                       Vector2 point,
                       Vector2 normal,
                       float fraction)
Called for each fixture found in the query. You control how the ray cast proceeds by returning a float: return -1: ignore this fixture and continue return 0: terminate the ray cast return fraction: clip the ray to this point return 1: don't clip the ray and continue. The Vector2 instances passed to the callback will be reused for future calls so make a copy of them!

fixture - the fixture hit by the ray
point - the point of initial intersection
normal - the normal vector at the point of intersection
-1 to filter, 0 to terminate, fraction to clip the ray for closest hit, 1 to continue

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