Class TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion
    extends TextureRegion
    Describes the region of a packed image and provides information about the original image before it was packed.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      int degrees
      The degrees the region has been rotated, counter clockwise between 0 and 359.
      int index
      The number at the end of the original image file name, or -1 if none.

      When sprites are packed, if the original file name ends with a number, it is stored as the index and is not considered as part of the sprite's name.
      java.lang.String name
      The name of the original image file, without the file's extension.
      If the name ends with an underscore followed by only numbers, that part is excluded: underscores denote special instructions to the texture packer.
      java.lang.String[] names
      Names for name/value pairs other than the fields provided on this class, each entry corresponding to values.
      float offsetX
      The offset from the left of the original image to the left of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
      float offsetY
      The offset from the bottom of the original image to the bottom of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
      int originalHeight
      The height of the image, before whitespace was removed for packing.
      int originalWidth
      The width of the image, before whitespace was removed and rotation was applied for packing.
      int packedHeight
      The height of the image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
      int packedWidth
      The width of the image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
      boolean rotate
      If true, the region has been rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise.
      int[][] values
      Values for name/value pairs other than the fields provided on this class, each entry corresponding to names.
    • Field Detail

      • index

        public int index
        The number at the end of the original image file name, or -1 if none.

        When sprites are packed, if the original file name ends with a number, it is stored as the index and is not considered as part of the sprite's name. This is useful for keeping animation frames in order.
        See Also:
      • name

        public java.lang.String name
        The name of the original image file, without the file's extension.
        If the name ends with an underscore followed by only numbers, that part is excluded: underscores denote special instructions to the texture packer.
      • offsetX

        public float offsetX
        The offset from the left of the original image to the left of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
      • offsetY

        public float offsetY
        The offset from the bottom of the original image to the bottom of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
      • packedWidth

        public int packedWidth
        The width of the image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
      • packedHeight

        public int packedHeight
        The height of the image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
      • originalWidth

        public int originalWidth
        The width of the image, before whitespace was removed and rotation was applied for packing.
      • originalHeight

        public int originalHeight
        The height of the image, before whitespace was removed for packing.
      • rotate

        public boolean rotate
        If true, the region has been rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise.
      • degrees

        public int degrees
        The degrees the region has been rotated, counter clockwise between 0 and 359. Most atlas region handling deals only with 0 or 90 degree rotation (enough to handle rectangles). More advanced texture packing may support other rotations (eg, for tightly packing polygons).
      • names

        public java.lang.String[] names
        Names for name/value pairs other than the fields provided on this class, each entry corresponding to values.
      • values

        public int[][] values
        Values for name/value pairs other than the fields provided on this class, each entry corresponding to names.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AtlasRegion

        public AtlasRegion​(Texture texture,
                           int x,
                           int y,
                           int width,
                           int height)
    • Method Detail

      • flip

        public void flip​(boolean x,
                         boolean y)
        flip in class TextureRegion
      • getRotatedPackedWidth

        public float getRotatedPackedWidth()
        Returns the packed width considering the rotate value, if it is true then it returns the packedHeight, otherwise it returns the packedWidth.
      • getRotatedPackedHeight

        public float getRotatedPackedHeight()
        Returns the packed height considering the rotate value, if it is true then it returns the packedWidth, otherwise it returns the packedHeight.
      • findValue

        public int[] findValue​(java.lang.String name)
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object