Class ButtonGroup<T extends Button>

  • public class ButtonGroup<T extends Button>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Manages a group of buttons to enforce a minimum and maximum number of checked buttons. This enables "radio button" functionality and more. A button may only be in one group at a time.

    The canCheck(Button, boolean) method can be overridden to control if a button check or uncheck is allowed.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ButtonGroup

        public ButtonGroup()
      • ButtonGroup

        public ButtonGroup​(T... buttons)
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(T button)
      • add

        public void add​(T... buttons)
      • remove

        public void remove​(T button)
      • remove

        public void remove​(T... buttons)
      • clear

        public void clear()
      • setChecked

        public void setChecked​(java.lang.String text)
        Sets the first TextButton with the specified text to checked.
      • canCheck

        protected boolean canCheck​(T button,
                                   boolean newState)
        Called when a button is checked or unchecked. If overridden, generally changing button checked states should not be done from within this method.
        True if the new state should be allowed.
      • getChecked

        public T getChecked()
        The first checked button, or null.
      • getCheckedIndex

        public int getCheckedIndex()
        The first checked button index, or -1.
      • getAllChecked

        public Array<T> getAllChecked()
      • getButtons

        public Array<T> getButtons()
      • setMinCheckCount

        public void setMinCheckCount​(int minCheckCount)
        Sets the minimum number of buttons that must be checked. Default is 1.
      • setMaxCheckCount

        public void setMaxCheckCount​(int maxCheckCount)
        Sets the maximum number of buttons that can be checked. Set to -1 for no maximum. Default is 1.
      • setUncheckLast

        public void setUncheckLast​(boolean uncheckLast)
        If true, when the maximum number of buttons are checked and an additional button is checked, the last button to be checked is unchecked so that the maximum is not exceeded. If false, additional buttons beyond the maximum are not allowed to be checked. Default is true.