
trait MountHooks


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait Laminar

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def onMountBind[El <: Base](fn: MountContext[El] => Binder[El]): Modifier[El]

Bind a subscription on mount

Bind a subscription on mount

Example usage: onMountBind(ctx => someAttr <-- someObservable(ctx)). See docs for details.


def onMountCallback[El <: Base](fn: MountContext[El] => Unit): Modifier[El]

Execute a callback on mount. Good for integrating third party libraries.

Execute a callback on mount. Good for integrating third party libraries.

The callback runs on every mount, not just the first one.

  • Therefore, don't bind any subscriptions inside that you won't manually unbind on unmount.
  • If you fail to unbind manually, you will have N copies of them after mounting this element N times.
  • Use onMountBind or onMountInsert for that.

When the callback is called, the element is already mounted.

If you apply this modifier to an element that is already mounted, the callback will not fire until and unless it is unmounted and mounted again.


def onMountInsert[El <: Base](fn: MountContext[El] => Inserter): Modifier[El]

Insert child node(s) on mount.

Insert child node(s) on mount.

Note: insert position is reserved as soon as this modifier is applied to the element. Basically it will insert elements in the same position, where you'd expect, on every mount.

Example usage: onMountInsert(ctx => child <-- someObservable). See docs for details.


def onMountSet[El <: Base](fn: MountContext[El] => Setter[El]): Modifier[El]

Set a property / attribute / style on mount. Similarly to other onMount methods, you only need this when: a) you need to access MountContext b) you truly need this to only happen on mount

Set a property / attribute / style on mount. Similarly to other onMount methods, you only need this when: a) you need to access MountContext b) you truly need this to only happen on mount

Example usage: onMountSet(ctx => someAttr := someValue(ctx)). See docs for details.


def onMountUnmountCallback[El <: Base](mount: MountContext[El] => Unit, unmount: El => Unit): Modifier[El]

Combines onMountCallback and onUnmountCallback for easier integration.

Combines onMountCallback and onUnmountCallback for easier integration.


def onMountUnmountCallbackWithState[El <: Base, A](mount: MountContext[El] => A, unmount: (El, Option[A]) => Unit): Modifier[El]

Combines onMountCallback and onUnmountCallback for easier integration.

Combines onMountCallback and onUnmountCallback for easier integration.

  • Note that the same caveats apply as for those individual methods.
  • The mount callback returns state which will be provided to the unmount callback.
  • The unmount callback receives an Option of the state because it's possible that onMountUnmountCallbackWithState was called after the element was already mounted, in which case the mount callback defined here wouldn't have run.


def onUnmountCallback[El <: Base](fn: El => Unit): Modifier[El]

Execute a callback on unmount. Good for integrating third party libraries.

Execute a callback on unmount. Good for integrating third party libraries.

When the callback is called, the element is still mounted.

If you apply this modifier to an element that is already unmounted, the callback will not fire until and unless it is mounted and then unmounted again.


Concrete fields

Focus this element on mount

Focus this element on mount
