
trait Sys extends Base

A system in LucreSTM describes a particular mode of representing values in time and of persisting values to disk. The Sys trait contains types for variables, identifiers, access paths, and transactions which are unique to each system (such as ephemeral in-memory, confluently persistent etc.).

trait Base
trait Closeable
trait AutoCloseable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait DurableLike[Tx]
trait Durable
trait Mixin[T, I]
trait InMemoryLike[Tx]
trait InMemory
trait Mixin[T]

Type members


type T <: Txn[T]

The transaction type of the system.

The transaction type of the system.

Value members

Abstract methods

def root[A](init: T => A)(implicit format: TFormat[T, A]): Source[T, A]

Reads the root object representing the stored data structure, or provides a newly initialized one via the init argument, if no root has been stored yet.

Reads the root object representing the stored data structure, or provides a newly initialized one via the init argument, if no root has been stored yet.

Inherited methods

def close(): Unit

Closes the underlying database (if the system is durable). The STM cannot be used beyond this call. An in-memory system should have a no-op implementation.

Closes the underlying database (if the system is durable). The STM cannot be used beyond this call. An in-memory system should have a no-op implementation.

Inherited from