
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class CannotRedoException(message: String) extends RuntimeException
class CannotUndoException(message: String) extends RuntimeException
final case
class Update[T <: Exec[T]](m: UndoManager[T], undoName: Option[String], redoName: Option[String])

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]](): UndoManager[T]
def dummy[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]]: UndoManager[T]
def find[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]](implicit tx: T): Option[UndoManager[T]]

Finds the currently (temporarily) set undo manager.

Finds the currently (temporarily) set undo manager.

def suspend[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)], A](body: => A)(implicit tx: T): A

Runs a block of code ensuring that no undo manager is present. The counter part would be using.

Runs a block of code ensuring that no undo manager is present. The counter part would be using.

The can be used if a method guarantees bypassing undo management, but its implement relies on undo manager agnostic calls.

def using[T <: Txn[LazyRef(...)], A](m: UndoManager[T])(body: => A)(implicit tx: T): A

Runs a block of code under the given undo manager. The counter part would be suspend.

Runs a block of code under the given undo manager. The counter part would be suspend.