
trait UndoableEdit[T <: Exec[T]] extends Disposable[T]
trait Disposable[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def name: String
def redo()(implicit tx: T): Unit
def significant: Boolean

Whether this edit is destructive to the document model or not.

Whether this edit is destructive to the document model or not.

def tryMerge(succ: UndoableEdit[T])(implicit tx: T): Option[UndoableEdit[T]]

Tries to merge this edit with a successive edit.

Tries to merge this edit with a successive edit.


Some new edit containing both this and the successive edit, if possible, None if merging is not possible

def undo()(implicit tx: T): Unit

Inherited methods

def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit
Inherited from