
See theRoutes companion object
final class Routes[-Env, +Err]

Represents a collection of routes, each of which is defined by a pattern and a handler. This data type can be thought of as modeling a routing table, which decides where to direct every endpoint in an API based on both method and path of the request.

When you are done building a collection of routes, you typically convert the routes into an zio.http.HttpApp value, which can be done with the toHttpApp method.

Routes may have handled or unhandled errors. A route of type Route[Env, Throwable], for example, has not handled its errors by converting them into responses. Such unfinished routes cannot yet be converted into zio.http.HttpApp values. First, you must handle errors with the handleError or handleErrorCause methods.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
Routes[Env, Err]

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def ++[Env1 <: Env, Err1 >: Err](that: Routes[Env1, Err1]): Routes[Env1, Err1]

Returns the concatenation of these routes with the specified routes.

Returns the concatenation of these routes with the specified routes.


def +:[Env1 <: Env, Err1 >: Err](route: Route[Env1, Err1]): Routes[Env1, Err1]

Prepends the specified route to this collection of routes.

Prepends the specified route to this collection of routes.


def :+[Env1 <: Env, Err1 >: Err](route: Route[Env1, Err1]): Routes[Env1, Err1]

Appends the specified route to this collection of routes.

Appends the specified route to this collection of routes.


def @@[Env1 <: Env](aspect: Middleware[Env1]): Routes[Env1, Err]
def apply(request: Request)(implicit ev: Err <:< Response, trace: Trace): ZIO[Env, Response, Response]
def asEnvType[Env2](implicit ev: Env2 <:< Env): Routes[Env2, Err]
def asErrorType[Err2](implicit ev: Err <:< Err2): Routes[Env, Err2]
def handleError(f: Err => Response)(implicit trace: Trace): Routes[Env, Nothing]

Handles all typed errors in the routes by converting them into responses. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.

Handles all typed errors in the routes by converting them into responses. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.


def handleErrorCause(f: Cause[Err] => Response)(implicit trace: Trace): Routes[Env, Nothing]

Handles all typed errors, as well as all non-recoverable errors, by converting them into responses. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.

Handles all typed errors, as well as all non-recoverable errors, by converting them into responses. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.


def handleErrorCauseZIO(f: Cause[Err] => ZIO[Any, Nothing, Response])(implicit trace: Trace): Routes[Env, Nothing]

Handles all typed errors, as well as all non-recoverable errors, by converting them into a ZIO effect that produces the response. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.

Handles all typed errors, as well as all non-recoverable errors, by converting them into a ZIO effect that produces the response. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.


def handleErrorRequest(f: (Err, Request) => Response)(implicit trace: Trace): Routes[Env, Nothing]

Handles all typed errors in the routes by converting them into responses, taking into account the request that caused the error. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.

Handles all typed errors in the routes by converting them into responses, taking into account the request that caused the error. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.


def handleErrorRequestCause(f: (Request, Cause[Err]) => Response)(implicit trace: Trace): Routes[Env, Nothing]

Handles all typed errors in the routes by converting them into responses, taking into account the request that caused the error. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.

Handles all typed errors in the routes by converting them into responses, taking into account the request that caused the error. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.


def handleErrorRequestCauseZIO(f: (Request, Cause[Err]) => ZIO[Any, Nothing, Response])(implicit trace: Trace): Routes[Env, Nothing]

Handles all typed errors, as well as all non-recoverable errors, by converting them into a ZIO effect that produces the response, taking into account the request that caused the error. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.

Handles all typed errors, as well as all non-recoverable errors, by converting them into a ZIO effect that produces the response, taking into account the request that caused the error. This method can be used to convert routes that do not handle their errors into ones that do handle their errors.


def mapError[Err1](fxn: Err => Err1): Routes[Env, Err1]

Allows the transformation of the Err type through a function allowing one to build up a Routes in Stages delegates to the Route

Allows the transformation of the Err type through a function allowing one to build up a Routes in Stages delegates to the Route


def mapErrorZIO[Err1](fxn: Err => ZIO[Any, Err1, Response])(implicit trace: Trace): Routes[Env, Err1]

Allows the transformation of the Err type through an Effectful program allowing one to build up a Routes in Stages delegates to the Route

Allows the transformation of the Err type through an Effectful program allowing one to build up a Routes in Stages delegates to the Route


def nest(prefix: PathCodec[Unit])(implicit trace: Trace, ev: Err <:< Response): Routes[Env, Err]
def provideEnvironment(env: ZEnvironment[Env]): Routes[Any, Err]

Returns new routes that have each been provided the specified environment, thus eliminating their requirement for any specific environment.

Returns new routes that have each been provided the specified environment, thus eliminating their requirement for any specific environment.


def run(request: Request)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Env, Either[Err, Response], Response]
def sandbox(implicit trace: Trace): Routes[Env, Nothing]

Returns new routes that automatically translate all failures into responses, using best-effort heuristics to determine the appropriate HTTP status code, and attaching error details using the HTTP header Warning.

Returns new routes that automatically translate all failures into responses, using best-effort heuristics to determine the appropriate HTTP status code, and attaching error details using the HTTP header Warning.


def timeout(duration: Duration)(implicit trace: Trace): Routes[Env, Err]

Returns new routes that are all timed out by the specified maximum duration.

Returns new routes that are all timed out by the specified maximum duration.


def toHttpApp(implicit ev: Err <:< Response): HttpApp[Env]

Converts the routes into an app, which can be done only when errors are handled and converted into responses.

Converts the routes into an app, which can be done only when errors are handled and converted into responses.


def transform[Env1](f: Handler[Env, Response, Request, Response] => Handler[Env1, Response, Request, Response]): Routes[Env1, Err]

Returns new routes whose handlers are transformed by the specified function.

Returns new routes whose handlers are transformed by the specified function.


Concrete fields

val routes: Chunk[Route[Env, Err]]