
trait HeaderModifier[+A]

Maintains a list of operators that modify the current Headers. Once modified, a new instance of the same type is returned. So or eg: request.addHeader("A", "B") should return a new Request and similarly headers.add("A", "B") should return a new Headers instance.

NOTE: Add methods here that modify the current headers and returns an instance of the same type.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class RequestHandlerSyntax[R, Err]
Self type

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def updateHeaders(update: Headers => Headers)(implicit trace: Trace): A

Updates the current Headers with new one, using the provided update function passed.

Updates the current Headers with new one, using the provided update function passed.


Concrete methods

final def addHeader(header: Header): A
final def addHeader(name: CharSequence, value: CharSequence): A
final def addHeaders(headers: Headers): A
final def removeHeader(headerType: HeaderType): A
final def removeHeader(name: String): A
final def removeHeaders(headers: Set[String]): A
final def setHeaders(headers: Headers): A