
trait QueryGetters[+A]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

Concrete methods

def queryParam(key: String): Option[String]

Retrieves the first query parameter value having the specified name.

Retrieves the first query parameter value having the specified name.


def queryParamOrElse(key: String, default: => String): String

Retrieves the first query parameter value having the specified name, or else uses the default value.

Retrieves the first query parameter value having the specified name, or else uses the default value.


def queryParamTo[T](key: String)(implicit codec: TextCodec[T]): Either[QueryParamsError, T]

Retrieves the first typed query parameter value having the specified name.

Retrieves the first typed query parameter value having the specified name.


def queryParamToOrElse[T](key: String, default: => T)(implicit codec: TextCodec[T]): T

Retrieves the first typed query parameter value having the specified name, or else uses the default value.

Retrieves the first typed query parameter value having the specified name, or else uses the default value.


def queryParamToZIO[T](key: String)(implicit codec: TextCodec[T]): IO[QueryParamsError, T]

Retrieves the first typed query parameter value having the specified name as ZIO.

Retrieves the first typed query parameter value having the specified name as ZIO.


def queryParams(key: String): Chunk[String]

Retrieves all query parameter values having the specified name.

Retrieves all query parameter values having the specified name.


def queryParamsOrElse(key: String, default: => Iterable[String]): Chunk[String]

Retrieves all query parameter values having the specified name, or else uses the default iterable.

Retrieves all query parameter values having the specified name, or else uses the default iterable.


def queryParamsTo[T](key: String)(implicit codec: TextCodec[T]): Either[QueryParamsError, Chunk[T]]

Retrieves all typed query parameter values having the specified name.

Retrieves all typed query parameter values having the specified name.


def queryParamsToOrElse[T](key: String, default: => Iterable[T])(implicit codec: TextCodec[T]): Chunk[T]

Retrieves all query parameter values having the specified name, or else uses the default iterable.

Retrieves all query parameter values having the specified name, or else uses the default iterable.


def queryParamsToZIO[T](key: String)(implicit codec: TextCodec[T]): IO[QueryParamsError, Chunk[T]]

Retrieves all typed query parameter values having the specified name as ZIO.

Retrieves all typed query parameter values having the specified name as ZIO.
