
final implicit class DeprecatedExtensions[+A](val self: Observable[A]) extends AnyVal

Exposes extension methods for deprecated Observable methods.

class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Deprecated and Inherited methods

@deprecated("Renamed to count (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.count in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.count in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable!.delayExecution", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED - renamed to delayExecution.

DEPRECATED - renamed to delayExecution.

The reason for the deprecation is making the name more consistent with Task.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable!.delayExecutionWith", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED - renamed to delayExecutionWith.

DEPRECATED - renamed to delayExecutionWith.

The reason for the deprecation is making the name more consistent with delayExecution.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Switch to doAfterSubscribe or doAfterSubscribeF", "3.0.0")
def doAfterSubscribe(cb: () => Unit): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — signature changed to use Task.

DEPRECATED — signature changed to use Task.

Switch to:

Note that via the magic of monix.eval.TaskLike which supports Function0 conversions, you can still use side effectful callbacks in doAfterSubscribeF, but it isn't recommended:

 import monix.reactive._

 Observable.range(0, 10).doAfterSubscribeF { () =>
   println("Look ma! Side-effectful callbacks!")

The switch to Task is to encourage referential transparency, so use it.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Switch to guaranteeCase", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — this function has no direct replacement.

DEPRECATED — this function has no direct replacement.

Switching to Observable.guaranteeCase is recommended.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Switch to guaranteeCaseF", "3.0.0")
def doAfterTerminateEval[F[_]](cb: Option[Throwable] => F[Unit])(implicit F: TaskLike[F]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — this function has no direct replacement.

DEPRECATED — this function has no direct replacement.

Switching to Observable.guaranteeCaseF is recommended.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Switch to guaranteeCase", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — this function has no direct replacement.

DEPRECATED — this function has no direct replacement.

Switching to Observable.guaranteeCase is recommended.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Signature changed, switch to doOnCompleteF", "3.0.0")
def doOnComplete(cb: () => Unit): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED - signature changed to usage of Task. You can switch to:

DEPRECATED - signature changed to usage of Task. You can switch to:

NOTE that you can still use side effectful functions with doOnCompleteF, via the magic of monix.eval.TaskLike, but it's no longer recommended:

  import monix.reactive._

 // Needed for the Comonad[Function0] instance
 Observable.range(0, 100)
   .doOnCompleteF(() => println("Completed!"))
Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnCompleteF", "3.0.0")
def doOnCompleteEval[F[_]](effect: F[Unit])(implicit F: TaskLike[F]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnCompleteF.

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnCompleteF.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnComplete", "3.0.0")
def doOnCompleteTask(task: Task[Unit]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnComplete.

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnComplete.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Signature changed to usage of Task", "3.0.0")
def doOnEarlyStop(cb: () => Unit): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — signature changed, please see:

DEPRECATED — signature changed, please see:

NOTE you can still get the same behavior via doOnEarlyStopF, because Function0 implements cats.Comonad and Task conversions from Comonad are allowed, although frankly in this case doOnEarlyStop:

  import monix.reactive._

  // This is possible, but it's better to work with
  // pure functions, so use Task or IO ;-)
  Observable.range(0, 1000).take(10).doOnEarlyStopF {
    // Via the magic of `TaskLike`, we are allowed to use `Function0`
    () => println("Stopped!")
Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnEarlyStopF", "3.0.0")
def doOnEarlyStopEval[F[_]](effect: F[Unit])(implicit F: TaskLike[F]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnEarlyStopF.

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnEarlyStopF.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnEarlyStopF", "3.0.0")
def doOnEarlyStopTask(task: Task[Unit]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnEarlyStop.

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnEarlyStop.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Signature changed to use Task", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — Signature changed, see doOnError.

DEPRECATED — Signature changed, see doOnError.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnErrorF", "3.0.0")
def doOnErrorEval[F[_]](cb: Throwable => F[Unit])(implicit F: TaskLike[F]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnErrorF.

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnErrorF.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnError", "3.0.0")
def doOnErrorTask(cb: Throwable => Task[Unit]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnError.

DEPRECATED — renamed to doOnError.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Signature changed to use Task", "3.0.0")
def doOnNext(cb: A => Unit): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — signature for function changed to use monix.eval.Task.

DEPRECATED — signature for function changed to use monix.eval.Task.

 import monix.eval._
 import monix.reactive._

 Observable.range(0, 100).doOnNext { a =>
   Task(println(s"Next: $$a"))
Inherited from:
@deprecated("Signature changed to use Task", "3.0.0")
def doOnNextAck(cb: (A, Ack) => Unit): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — signature changed to use monix.eval.Task.

DEPRECATED — signature changed to use monix.eval.Task.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnNextAckF", "3.0.0")
def doOnNextAckEval[F[_]](cb: (A, Ack) => F[Unit])(implicit F: TaskLike[F]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnNextAckF.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnNextAckF.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnNextAck", "3.0.0")
def doOnNextAckTask(cb: (A, Ack) => Task[Unit]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnNextAck.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnNextAck.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnNextF", "3.0.0")
def doOnNextEval[F[_]](cb: A => F[Unit])(implicit F: TaskLike[F]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnNextF.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnNextF.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnNext", "3.0.0")
def doOnNextTask(cb: A => Task[Unit]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnNext.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnNext.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Signature changed to use Task", "3.0.0")
def doOnStart(cb: A => Unit): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — signature changed to use monix.eval.Task

DEPRECATED — signature changed to use monix.eval.Task

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnStartF", "3.0.0")
def doOnStartEval[F[_]](cb: A => F[Unit])(implicit F: Effect[F]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnStartF

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnStartF

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to doOnStart", "3.0.0")
def doOnStartTask(cb: A => Task[Unit]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnStart

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.doOnStart

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Switch to doOnStart or doOnStartF", "3.0.0")
def doOnSubscribe(cb: () => Unit): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — signature changed to use Task.

DEPRECATED — signature changed to use Task.

Switch to:

Note that via the magic of monix.eval.TaskLike which supports Function0 conversions, you can still use side effectful callbacks in doOnSubscribeF, but it isn't recommended:

 import monix.reactive._

 Observable.range(0, 10).doOnSubscribeF { () =>
   println("Look ma! Side-effectful callbacks!")

The switch to Task is to encourage referential transparency, so use it.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Signature changed, switch to doOnSubscriptionCancelF", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED - you can switch to:

DEPRECATED - you can switch to:

NOTE that you can still use side effectful functions with doOnSubscriptionCancelF, via the magic of monix.eval.TaskLike, but it's no longer recommended:

 import monix.reactive._

 Observable.range(0, Int.MaxValue)
   .doOnEarlyStopF(() => println("Cancelled!"))
Inherited from:
@deprecated("Switch to guaranteeCase", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — switch to:

DEPRECATED — switch to:

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Switch to guaranteeCaseF", "3.0.0")
def doOnTerminateEval[F[_]](cb: Option[Throwable] => F[Unit])(implicit F: TaskLike[F]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — a much better version of doOnTerminateEval is guaranteeCaseF.

DEPRECATED — a much better version of doOnTerminateEval is guaranteeCaseF.


 import cats.effect.{ExitCase, IO}
 import monix.reactive._

 Observable.range(0, 1000).guaranteeCaseF {
   case ExitCase.Error(e) =>
     IO(println(s"Error raised: $$e"))
   case ExitCase.Completed =>
     IO(println("Stream completed normally"))
   case ExitCase.Canceled =>
     IO(println("Stream was cancelled"))
Inherited from:
@deprecated("Switch to guaranteeCase", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — a much better version of doOnTerminateTask is guaranteeCase.

DEPRECATED — a much better version of doOnTerminateTask is guaranteeCase.


 import cats.effect.ExitCase
 import monix.eval._
 import monix.reactive._

 Observable.range(0, 1000).guaranteeCase {
   case ExitCase.Error(e) =>
     Task(println(s"Error raised: $$e"))
   case ExitCase.Completed =>
     Task(println("Stream completed normally"))
   case ExitCase.Canceled =>
     Task(println("Stream was cancelled"))
Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to Observable!.executeAsync", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED - renamed to executeAsync.

DEPRECATED - renamed to executeAsync.

The reason for the deprecation is the repurposing of the word "fork" in Task.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to exists (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.forall in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.forall in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to find (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def findF(p: A => Boolean): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.find in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.find in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to firstOrElse (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def firstOrElseF[B >: A](default: => B): Observable[B]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.firstOrElse in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.firstOrElse in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to find (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def foldF[AA >: A](implicit A: Monoid[AA]): Observable[AA]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.fold in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.fold in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to foldLeft (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def foldLeftF[R](seed: => R)(op: (R, A) => R): Observable[R]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.foldLeft in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.foldLeft in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to foldWhileLeft (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def foldWhileLeftF[S](seed: => S)(op: (S, A) => Either[S, S]): Observable[S]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.foldWhileLeft in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.foldWhileLeft in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to forall (no camel case in forall, no F suffix)", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.forall in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.forall in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to forallL (no camel case in forall)", "3.0.0")
def forAllL(p: A => Boolean): Task[Boolean]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.forallL in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant and Scala's standard library.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.forallL in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant and Scala's standard library.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to head (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.head in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.head in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to headOrElse (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def headOrElseF[B >: A](default: => B): Observable[B]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.headOrElse in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.headOrElse in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to isEmpty (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.isEmpty in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.isEmpty in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to last (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.forall in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.forall in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Switch to mapEvalF", "3.0.0")
def mapFuture[B](f: A => Future[B]): Observable[B]

DEPRECATED — switch to Observable.mapEvalF, which is the generic version that supports usage with Future via the magic of monix.eval.TaskLike.

DEPRECATED — switch to Observable.mapEvalF, which is the generic version that supports usage with Future via the magic of monix.eval.TaskLike.

The replacement is direct, a simple rename:

 import scala.concurrent._
 import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import monix.execution.FutureUtils.extensions._
 import monix.reactive._

 Observable.range(0, 100).mapEvalF { a =>
Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to mapEval", "3.0.0")
def mapTask[B](f: A => Task[B]): Observable[B]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.mapEval.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.mapEval.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to maxBy (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def maxByF[K](key: A => K)(implicit K: Order[K]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.maxBy in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.maxBy in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to max (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def maxF[AA >: A](implicit A: Order[AA]): Observable[AA]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.max in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.max in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to minBy (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def minByF[K](key: A => K)(implicit K: Order[K]): Observable[A]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.minBy in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.minBy in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to min (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def minF[AA >: A](implicit A: Order[AA]): Observable[AA]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.min in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.min in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to nonEmpty (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.nonEmpty in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.nonEmpty in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to scanEval", "3.0.0")
def scanTask[S](seed: Task[S])(op: (S, A) => Task[S]): Observable[S]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.scanEval.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.scanEval.

Renaming was done for naming consistency. Functions that use Task parameters in Observable no longer have a Task suffix.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to scanEval0", "3.0.0")
def scanTask0[S](seed: Task[S])(op: (S, A) => Task[S]): Observable[S]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.scanEval0.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.scanEval0.

Renaming was done for naming consistency. Functions that use Task parameters in Observable no longer have a Task suffix.

Inherited from:
@deprecated("Renamed to sum (no F suffix)", "3.0.0")
def sumF[AA >: A](implicit A: Numeric[AA]): Observable[AA]

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.sum in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

DEPRECATED — renamed to Observable.sum in an effort to unify the naming conventions with Iterant, Scala's standard library and Cats-Effect.

The F suffix now represents working with higher-kinded types, e.g. F[_], with restrictions like ObservableLike, TaskLike, cats.effect.Sync, etc.

Inherited from:

Concrete fields