
final case class DropNewAndSignal[A](bufferSize: Int, onOverflow: Long => Coeval[Option[A]]) extends Evicted[A]

A OverflowStrategy specifying that on reaching the maximum size, the pipeline should begin dropping incoming events until the buffer has room in it again and is free to process more elements.

The given onOverflow function get be used for logging the event and for sending a message to the downstream consumers to inform them of dropped messages. The function can return None in which case no message is sent and thus you can use it just to log a warning.

Value parameters:

specifies how many events our buffer can hold before overflowing.


is a function that can get called on overflow with a number of messages that were dropped, a function that builds a new message that will be sent to downstream. If it returns None, then no message gets sent to downstream.

trait Product
trait Equals
class Evicted[A]
class Synchronous[A]
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

Inherited from:

Inherited fields

override val isEvicted: Boolean
Inherited from:
override val isSynchronous: Boolean
Inherited from: