
The companion object for the class it.unich.scalafix.assignments.InputAssignment.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class Conditional[U, V](special: U, value: V, default: InputAssignment[U, V]) extends InputAssignment[U, V]

An input assignment obtained from another input assignment by modifying the value of an unknown with a given binding.

An input assignment obtained from another input assignment by modifying the value of an unknown with a given binding.

Value parameters:

the initial input assignment


the unknown whose value we want to change


the new value of the unknown special

implicit implicit class Default[U, V](v: V) extends InputAssignment[U, V]

An assignment that always returns the same default value.

An assignment that always returns the same default value.

Value parameters:

the default value returned by the assignment

implicit implicit class FromAssignment[U, V](a: U => V) extends InputAssignment[U, V]

An implicit class converting an assignment into an input assignment.

An implicit class converting an assignment into an input assignment.

Value parameters:

the original assignment

implicit implicit class FromMap[U, V](m: Map[U, V]) extends InputAssignment[U, V]

An implicit class converting a map into an input assignment.

An implicit class converting a map into an input assignment.

Value parameters:

hash map

Value members

Concrete methods

def conditional[U, V](special: U, value: V, otherwise: InputAssignment[U, V]): Conditional[U, V]

Return the input assignment which behaves like otherwise, with the excpetion of the unknown special for which it returns value.

Return the input assignment which behaves like otherwise, with the excpetion of the unknown special for which it returns value.



final implicit def Default[U, V](v: V): Default[U, V]

An assignment that always returns the same default value.

An assignment that always returns the same default value.

Value parameters:

the default value returned by the assignment

final implicit def FromAssignment[U, V](a: U => V): FromAssignment[U, V]

An implicit class converting an assignment into an input assignment.

An implicit class converting an assignment into an input assignment.

Value parameters:

the original assignment

final implicit def FromMap[U, V](m: Map[U, V]): FromMap[U, V]

An implicit class converting a map into an input assignment.

An implicit class converting a map into an input assignment.

Value parameters:

hash map