
The companion class for a hierarchical ordering contains the definition of the Element class and some factory methods.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


sealed abstract class HOElement[+N]

An HOElement[N] is either Left (left parenthesis), Right (right parenthesis) or Val(x) where x is a value of type N. A sequence of HOElements is the standard representation of a hierarchical ordering.

An HOElement[N] is either Left (left parenthesis), Right (right parenthesis) or Val(x) where x is a value of type N. A sequence of HOElements is the standard representation of a hierarchical ordering.

case object Left extends HOElement[Nothing]
case object Right extends HOElement[Nothing]
case class Val[N](u: N) extends HOElement[N]

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[N](els: HOElement[N]*): HierarchicalOrdering[N]

Builds a hierarchical ordering from a sequence of HOElements.

Builds a hierarchical ordering from a sequence of HOElements.

Builds a hierarchical ordering from a graph ordering. Components are opened for each head, and they are all closed at the end. If o is the DFO for a graph, the result is a weak-topological ordering for the same graph.

Builds a hierarchical ordering from a graph ordering. Components are opened for each head, and they are all closed at the end. If o is the DFO for a graph, the result is a weak-topological ordering for the same graph.