
Type members


trait Domain[A] extends PartialOrdering[A]

A Domain is a PartialOrdering where elements are endowed with an upper bound operator. However, not all pairs of elements have an upper bound. Generally, elements in a domain are partitioned in fibers, and an upper bound only exists for elements on the same fiber. This is not modeled by the current definition of Domain.

A Domain is a PartialOrdering where elements are endowed with an upper bound operator. However, not all pairs of elements have an upper bound. Generally, elements in a domain are partitioned in fibers, and an upper bound only exists for elements on the same fiber. This is not modeled by the current definition of Domain.

If an implicit object of type Domain[A] is in scope, then binary operators <, <=, >, >=, equiv and upperBound are available.


A trait which contains low priority implicits to be mixed within Domain.

A trait which contains low priority implicits to be mixed within Domain.

trait Magma[A]

A magma is a set with a binary operation. The magma trait is a type class for magmas, which defines a single binary operation called op. If an implicit object of type Magma[A] is in scope, then a binary operator |+| corresponding to the magma operation is available for objects of type A.

A magma is a set with a binary operation. The magma trait is a type class for magmas, which defines a single binary operation called op. If an implicit object of type Magma[A] is in scope, then a binary operator |+| corresponding to the magma operation is available for objects of type A.

object Magma