All Classes and Interfaces

Common properties for all jpa configs.
The enum Authentication types.
The ldap connection pool passivator.
Describe ldap connection strategies.
Describe hostname verification strategies.
Describe trust manager strategies.
The ldap type used to handle specific ops.
Define the security access level for the endpoint.
The audit format types.
Configuration properties for Redis.
Authentication attribute release properties.
Configuration properties class for cas.authn.policy.
Configuration properties class for bucket4j.
Common configuration for device fingerprint components.
The jgit library supports multiple HTTP client implementations.
Since 7.0.0
The Lettuce library ReadFrom types that determine how Lettuce routes read operations to replica nodes.
A re-usable collection of utility methods for object instantiations and configurations used cross various @Bean creation methods throughout CAS server.
Describe options available for refill strategy.
Configuration properties class for cas.throttle.
Configuration properties class for host.
A client certificate properties.
Common properties for all cookie configs.
Configuration properties class for events.
Device fingerprint configuration for MFA Trusted Devices.
Common properties for all cryptography related configs.
Common properties for all cryptography related configs.
Configuration properties class for events.
Configuration properties class for git metadata management.
Recaptcha API versions.
This is GraphicalUserAuthenticationProperties that contains settings needed for identification of users graphically prior to executing primary authn.
Configuration properties class for cas.throttle.
Encapsulates hazelcast properties exposed by CAS via properties file property source in a type-safe manner.
Configuration properties class for http.client.truststore.
Scope options for the default aup repository can store flag indicating acceptance.
Enumerate the trigger modes for interrupt authentication.
The Inwebo MFA properties.
Browser authenticator types.
Simple structure to collect and pass around pieces of JPA config data reusable across different JPA configuration components.
Configuration properties class for saml metadata based on JPA.
Configuration properties class for JPA service registry.
Common properties for jpa ticket reg.
If you wish to directly and separately retrieve attributes from a static JSON source.
The enum Search entry handler types.
Configuration properties class for locale.
Since 7.0.0
Since 7.0.0
Configuration properties class for message.bundle.
Configuration properties class mongodb service registry.
Configuration properties class mongodb service registry.
Configuration properties class for cas.monitor.
Configuration properties class for cas.mfa.
Profile view types.
Properties for the Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) cookie used in some Oauth flows.
Dynamic client registration mode.
The callback url types.
Indicate different types of delegation discovery.
Configuration properties class for password.policy.
The Password policy handling options.
Configuration properties class for Person Directory.
Base property class for cookies that can be pinned to the HTTP session.
The aggregation strategy types.
The merging strategy.
Indicate whether the principal identifier should be transformed into upper-case, lower-case, etc.
This is PropertyOwner as a marker interface to indicate the required configuration class for a property.
Transport layer options.
Configuration properties for Redis.
Configuration properties class mongodb service registry.
Configuration properties for Redis.
Configuration properties for Redis.
Name manipulations.
Configuration properties class for remote.authn.
This is RequiredProperty that is put on top of a CAS property/field to indicate the presence of the field is required for CAS to function correctly and/or to recognize the existence of an enabled feature, etc.
This is RequiresModule that is put on top of a CAS properties class to indicate the required/using module that takes advantage of the settings.
Indicate the type of encoding used when rendering the saml response and its signature blog.
Configuration properties class for service.registry.
This is the properties for the session replication.
The Logout propagation types.
Configuration properties class for SSO settings.
Configuration properties class for SSO services settings.
This is SmsProperties.
This is SubjectDnPrincipalResolverProperties, properties for SUBJECT_DN principal resolver type.
The format of subject dn to be used.
Configuration properties class for cas.throttle.
Configuration properties class for cas.throttle.
Configuration properties class for cas.throttle.
Configuration properties class for tgc.
Configuration properties class for ticket.
This is UmaProperties.
Configuration properties class for warn.cookie.
Webflow configuration properties.
Configuration properties class for webflow.
Configuration properties class for webflow.
The principal resolution types.
Device validation options.